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摘 要
The products design is different from the general art, it is a practical, scientific and at the same time, with artistry. In this paper, the design of media style of the traditional design of the investigation and concluded that the air humidifier and investigate the design of the products the status quo. On this basis, the use of bionic design theory from the start with modeling appearance, designed with fun - and a contemporary of personalized products. This air humidifier product design and development of some reference value.
Plastic industry is in the word grows now one of quickest industry classes , but casts the mold is development quick type , therefore , the research casts the mold to understand the plastic product the production process and improves the product quality to have the very big significance .
This design introduced the injection takes shape the basic principle , specially single is divided the profile to inject the mold the structure and the principle of work , to cast the product to propose the basic principle of design ; Introduced in detail the cold flow channel injection evil spirit mold pours the system , the temperature control system and goes against the system the design process , and has given the explanation to the mold intensity request ; Meanwhile, in molding tool design, for the appropriate difficulty of increment, chose to have the side to take out the heart organization and take off the product of the thread organization to go the molding tool design manufacturing under the improvement.Among them took off the thread organization to adopt the wheel gear spreads to move to take off the thread method to give the realization ; Finally introduced now in the world the most popular three dimensional CAD/CAM system standard software PRO/ENGNEER’s PROGRAM module , and led the wra
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