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摘 要 为了能够准确的了解制动防抱死系统的性能,常常使用计算机仿真技术来进行研究,本设计采用Matlab/Simulink模拟汽车在直线制动的运动状态,对ABS系统的控制规律进行计算机仿真。它与常规的试验分析相比,具有分析速度快、精度高、周期短、节省大量的人力物力的优点。 ABS防抱死制动系统模型的建立,是计算机与生产实际相融合的产物。模型的建立,可以代替危险性试验,提高安全性和经济性,同时可以方便快捷的得到试验所得到的结果,以此完善设计开发中的产品性能,为ABS系统的研制与开发提供一条有效的方法。 本设计简单介绍了制动系统的工作原理,通过建立普通制动系统和ABS防抱死系统的数学模型,提出了基于路面附着系数的ABS控制算法,并根据数学模型,利用Matlab/Simulink软件建立普通制动系统和ABS防抱死制动系统的仿真模块,分析普通制动系统和装有防抱死制动系统(ABS)车辆制动过程中各参数的动态变化规律ABS制动过程Abstract In order to accurately understand the anti-lock braking system performance, often using computer simulation technology to conduct research. This design uses Matlab / Simulink simulation of the car braking in a straight line movement, the ABS system of control of a computer simulation. Compared with the common experimental analysis,it has fsater analsing speed, higher precision, shorter period, etc. besides, it saves much labor and material resources. The establishment of antilock brake systems is the result of the combination of computer and actual produciton. Model of antilock brake systems can take place of the dangerous experiments,improve the safety and save much money. At the same time, it helps get the result as soon as possible. So that the function of the product can be made better. in a word, it provides an effective method to the reserch and development of the antilock braking system. The project briefly introduces the principles of the braking system .It gets antilock braking system controlling algorithm according to the establishment of ordinary braking system and methematical antilock braking system. On the basis of methematical model, it uses Matlab/Simulink software to eatablish a simulate template of an ordinary braking system and an antilock braking system to analyses the motional changing regularity of kinds of parameters of vehicle which installed with ordinary braking system and the vehicle with antilock braking system. When the results are compared, we get to know that antilock braking system can not only prevent the wheels f


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