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广西科技大学(筹) 毕业设计(论文)说明书 课题名称 汽车悬架设计 院 别 汽车与交通学院 专 业 车辆工程 班 级 车辆083 学 号 2008002051** 姓 名 指导教师 2012年 5月 18日 摘 要 悬架是现代汽车上的重要总成之一,它把车架(或车身)与车轴(或车轮)弹性的连接起来。它最主要的功能是传递作用在车轮和车架(或车身)之间的一切力和力矩,缓和路面传给车架(或车身)的冲击载荷,衰减由此引起的承载系统的振动,以保证汽车的行驶平顺性。 本文是在奥迪R8 5.2L FSI quattro 2010款轿车前悬架基础上设计的,目的是为了考察大学四年的学习成果并为将来走向工作岗位打下坚实的基础。所做的说明书中包括轿车前悬架的选型、减振器的选型及计算、弹性元件形式的选择计算及选型、导向机构的设计,横向稳定杆的设计计算和车轮定位参数的确定。经过查阅大量的资料,以及结合所学知识,对该前悬架进行了方案论证、结构方案分析以及设计计算。设计中包括了减振器、弹性元件和横向稳定杆各项参数的确定,包括主要参数的选择计算、受力情况、强度校核等。在最后,对本次设计做出总结。 设计中包括计算机辅助设计CATIA建模(零件图、装配图),计算机辅助设计CAD绘图(零件图)折合1.5张A0图纸,手绘一张A1图纸,翻译外文资料一份,编辑说明书一份。 关键词:双横臂独立悬架 导向机构 减震器 螺旋弹簧 横向稳定杆 ABSTRACT The suspension is one of the modern automobile assembly, frame (or body) and the axle (or wheel) flexible connection up. Its primary function is to pass the role of force and torque between the wheels and the frame (or body) to ease the load of the road to pass the impact of the frame (or body), the attenuation caused by the vibration of the bearing system ensure riding comfort. This article is based on the AUDI Spyder 5.2 FSI quattro car front suspension , the purpose is to lay a solid foundation for the future go to work for the learning outcomes of the inspection four years of college. Made to the instructions included in the suspension in the front of the car selection, the selection and calculation of the shock absorber, the choice of the form of the elastic element calculation and selection, guiding mechanism design, design and calculation of the stabilizer bar and wheel alignment parameters to determine . Access to large amounts of data, and combine the suspension of the former demonstration program, the structure of program analysis and design calculations. The design includes a sho


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