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自动化学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题目: 小型数控工具磨床控制系统设计 专 业: 自动化(数控技术应用) 班 级: 学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 起迄日期: 设计地点: Graduation Design (Thesis) Control System Design for Small Tool Grinder 摘 要 本文扼要的介绍了数控工具磨床的组成、控制方式。提出了未知参数螺旋齿刀具的数控刃磨方法,并着重介绍了这种数控控制系统的软硬件设计。本设计采用8031作主CPU,控制整个工具磨床的工作。主CPU扩展了外部程序存储器27256和数据存储器6264,外部程序存储器存储系统程序,数据存储器存储加工程序和数控系统处理的中间数据,并设计了掉电保护电路。另选用89C2051作为从CPU,控制多排多位的八段数码管的动态显示。8031发出的步进电机脉冲信号经锁存器输出,控制各电机的进给。用8155扩展一矩阵式键盘,同时用8255扩展开关量输入输出接口电路。此外,还设计了未知参数螺旋齿刀具参数测量及自动刃磨控制软件。在本设计的软硬件基础上做进一步的研究,开发出用于数控工具磨床的控制系统,同工具磨床相配套,可解决未知参数螺旋齿刀具的自动刃磨问题。 关键词: 螺旋齿刀具;数控工具磨床;控制系统;软硬件设计 ABSTRACT In this paper, the constitution and the control strategy of NC tool grinding machine introduced, the principle of cutter milling process for unknown parameter screw gear is brought forward, then emphasize introduced the software and hardware for this kind of numerical control system. A typical MCU, 8031, was used as the host CPU to control the whole function of tool Grinding Machine; 27256, an external program memory, is used to Storage the system program, and 6264, an external data memory, is used to store the process program and the middle data of numerical control system. Power failure function is also provided. In addition, an 89C2051 is selected as the slave CPU to control the display of LED. pulse signals generated by the host CPU,8031, was send to the step motor through the D to control the feeding movement of each motor. The keyboard function is achieved with a programmable parallel interface, 8155 and I/O interface of the NC system was realized with an 8255. Further more, parameter measurement and atuo-milling software for the unknown parameter spiral tooth machine tool is finished and the NC control system is developed to solve the automatic grinding problem of unknown parameter spiral tooth cutting tool. Keyword:Screw gear cutter; NC tool grinder; Control system; software and hardware 目 录 第一章 绪论 1 1.1 引言 1 1.2 任务及要求 2 1.3



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