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中国石油大学(华东)毕业设计(论文) 烟景输油管道初步设计 2007年6月20日 摘要 烟景管线工程全长440km,年设计最大输量为500万吨,最小输量为350万吨。 管线沿程地形较为起伏,最大高差为32m,经校核全线无翻越点;在较大输量时可热力越站,较小输量时可压力越站。 输油管采用沥青加强级外保护的防腐措施。全线共设热泵站12座,管线埋地铺设。管材采用406.4×7.9,L245的直弧电阻焊钢管;采用加热密闭式输送流程,先炉后泵的工艺,充分利用设备,全线输油主泵和给油泵均采用并联方式。加热炉采用直接加热的方法。管线上设有压力保护系统,出站处设有泄压装置,防止水击等现象,压力过大造成的危害。 首站流程包括收油、存储、正输、清管、站内循环、来油计量及反输等功能;中间站流程包括正输、反输、越站、收发清管球等功能。采用SCADA检测系统,集中检测、管理,提高操作的安全性和效率。 由计算分析证明该管线的运行可收到良好的效益并有一定的抗风险能力。 关键词: 管型;输量;热泵站;工艺流程 ABSTRACT The whole length of the pipeline is 440 kilometer and the terrain is plan.The maximum of transport capacity is 500 million ton per year and minimum of throughout is 350 million ton per year. The choice of main equipment and determination of station site are based on the condition of every throughout. After the technical evaluation , one type of steel pipeline called L245 is select. The optimum diameter is 404.6 millimeter and the wall thicket is 7.9 millimeter. In order to reduce the loss of heat, the pipeline is buried under the ground. The pipeline is coated with 7-millimeter thick anti-corrosion asphalt layer and impressed current catholic protection to protect the pipe from corrosion. The process of transportation is pump-to-pump tight line operation. Crude oil is heated at first and the pump in each station. There are three 220D-65×10pumps are equipped as the transporting pump. The process of flows in the station includes: collecting crude oil; forward transportation; reverse pumping over station and circulation in the station. Along the main line, oil transportation included head station, intermediate heating and pumping station, and terminal station. Through the benefit analysis and feasibility study of operation, the project has a good economic benefit and the design is feasible. Keywords:pipeline corrosion;pump-to-pump station;analysis 目录 前言 1 第1章 工艺计算说明书 2 1.1 设计准则 2 1.1.1 设计依据 2 1.1.2 设计原则 2 1.2 设计原始


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