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年产50万吨热连轧型钢车间设计 摘要 现代任何国家是否发达的主要标志是其工业化及自动化的水平,即工业生产在国民经济终所占的比重以及工业的机械化、自动化程度,而劳动生产率是衡量工业化水平极为重要的标志之一。钢铁工业为制造各种机械设备提供最基本的材料一定程度上反映一个国家钢铁工业的发展状况和国民经济的发达程度。衡量钢铁工业的水平应考察其产量、质量、品种经济效益及劳动生产力等各方面,本设计详细的介绍了一套年产50万吨的热轧型钢车间设计过程,该车间采用短应力全连续式轧制方式生产,由18个机架生产,综合各方面因素考虑,投资成本低,产量适中,生产灵活,适合于中小型企业。 通过对该项目进行可行性研究、生产方案的编制和选择、生产工艺流程制定、设备选择、工艺计算、车间平面布置、投资概算等方面的轮述,为生产项目的建设提供必要的技术依据。 关键词:角钢;短应力全连续轧制;孔型设计;车间设计;环境保护 Design of an annual output 500,000 tons hot-rolled steel plant ABSTRACT The main sign of a developed country is the level of industrialization and automation--the final proportion of the industrial production in the national economy and the mechanization of industry and degree of automation, labor productivity is one of the vital signs to measure the level of industrialization. To some extent, steel industry provides basic materials for the manufacture to product a variety of machinery and equipment reflect that the country is steel industry development of the national economy ,measure the level of steel industry should examine the various aspects of production, quality, variety, economic efficiency and labor productivity, etc. In this essay ,an annual output of 500000 tons of hot-rolled steel plant design process are been introduced detailedly,the production pattern of the workshop is short stress continuous rolling by 18 rack. Comprehensive factors into consideration, Require investment cost is low, moderate yield, flexible production, suitable for small and medium-sized enterprises. Through the project feasibility study, preparation and selection of the production program, the production process development, equipment selection, process calculation, plant layout, the investment budget and other aspects of the wheel above, provide the necessary technical basis for the production of construction of the project. Keyword: angle; short stress completely continuous rolling pass design; plant design; environmental protection 目录 摘要 I ABSTRACT II 第一章 前言 1 1.1 热轧型钢的特点 1 1.2 车间设计


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