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安徽农业科学 , Journal of Anhu i A gri. Sci. 2010 , 38 (2) : 985 - 988, 994 责任编辑  陈红红  责任校对  况玲玲 城市拟建设用地的生态规划研究 ———以贵阳沙文生态科技产业园为例 ( ) 黄耀志 ,高文文 ,仇春辉   苏州科技学院建筑与城市规划学院 ,江苏苏州 2 15011 摘要 以贵阳沙文生态科技产业园为实证研究,探讨了城市拟建设用地生态规划的方法与程序 。结果表明,通过对城市拟建设用地的 生态敏感性分析 ,可将其划分为最敏感、次敏感、弱敏感和不敏感 4 类区域 。最敏感区是禁止建设范围,为拟建设用地的未来发展提供 了 “负 ”规划成果。在该基础上 ,选取特定的用地类型进行用地适宜度分析 ,其结果可为拟建设用地的未来发展提供 “正 ”规划成果 , 即 可指导用地的发展方向与布局 。为完善生态规划研究,特结合前二者的分析成果进行生态网络构建 , 以形成水平生态分析与垂直生态 分析相结合的生态规划方法 。 关键词 拟建设用地 ;生态敏感性;用地适宜度 ;生态网络 ( ) 中图分类号 TU 984. 11  文献标识码 A  文章编号 0517 - 6611 2010 02 - 00985 - 04 Study on Ecolog ica l P lann ing of Urban Prepared Con struction L and ( ) HUA NG Y aozh i et a l  College of A rch itecture and U rban Plann ing, Suzhou Un iversity of Technology, Suzhou , J iangsu 2 150 11 A b stract Through emp irical research on the Shawen TechIndu strial Park in Gu iyang, the ecological p lann ing of urban p rep ared con struction land were discu ssed. The re su lts showed that the p rep ared con struction land cou ld be divided into four categorie s of land and the mo st sen sitive area wa s to p roh ib it the con struction. It cou ld p rovide the p rep ared con struction land for fu ture developm ent of “negative ”resu lts p lann ing. On th is ba sis, select the sp ecific typ e s of land to carry ou t su itab ility analysis of land u se. A s a re su lt, it also cou ld p rovide the p rep ared con struc tion land for future developm ent of “po sitive ”p lann ing resu lts, to gu ide the direction of developm ent and the layou t. To imp rove the eco logi cal p lann ing, bu ild the eco logical network at the advantage of the first two resu lts. It cou ld form the eco logica



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