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需全套CAD图纸 联系QQ 695132052各专业都有 南部县明德医院住院部设计 摘要:本次毕业设计的题目为南部明德医院住院部设计。设计内容包括建筑设计、结构设计、施工组织设计。该住院部楼坐落于城区中心,临近有其它的建筑,前有主干道路,交通非常方便。建筑层数为5层,建筑总高度22.6m,层高为3.4m,总建筑面积6207.5m2,底层占地面积为1045m2。此住院部采用的是钢筋混凝土框架结构,建筑抗震设防烈度为7度,抗震等级为三级,基础采用柱下独立基础,楼梯采用的板式楼梯。结构计算包括手算和电算两部分,其中手算部分的内容包括:一榀框架结构的计算,该框架相邻的楼板计算,框架下柱基的计算,楼梯计算。电算部分采用中国建筑科学院编制的PKPM结构设计软件进行整体三维空间分析计算,结合相应的结构构造要求,绘制结构施工图,写出相应的设计说明。 Design for the out-patient building of MingDe Hospital in Nanbu county Abstract:This graduation projects topic flies design forhe out-patient building of MingDe Hospital in Nanbu county. The design content includes architectural design, structural design, and construction organization plan. This teaching building is situated in the center of city, approaching to other constructions, whose front is the branch path. So the transportation is very convenient.About this building,The floor number is five, construction height is 22.600m, the building store height is 3.4m,gross building area is 6207.5m2, first floor area is 1045m2.Reinforced concrete portal frame is adapted in this office building. According to the designing requirement, the earthquake intensity is 7 degrees to set up defences, the grade of antidetonation is three grades. The foundation is independent type. The staircase is the board style staircase. The calculation of the frame is comprised of manual work and computer work. The manual work mainly included the calculation about one entry frame, floor boards near the calculated frame, and free foundations under the frame. On the other hand, the computer work accomplished the whole calculation about the building with the PKPM soft of China Academy of Building Research. In addition, the shop drawings of the engineering and the explanations were completed under observation of the structure code. In the end, according to the property of engineering and work place, I finished construction organisation design and the quantity of the engineering. At the same time, the plane map about the construction


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