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摘要 近年来,我国的移动通信事业发展迅猛,网络质量的好坏己成为网络运营商占领移动通信市场、把握成败的关键,网络优化的目的就是要使网络处于最佳的 运行状态以获得最好的经济效益。网络质量的恶化导致用户掉话己成为各运营商 主要投诉来源,如何综合采用各种优化技术和手段来提高网络的性能同时有效降 低掉话率,已成为各运营商面临的最大问题。 掉话影响着每一位用户的主观感受,也直接影响着用户对运营商的信任。随着GSM移动用户的壮大,GSM网络的日益成熟,各运营商也愈来愈重视整个网络的运行质量和服务质量。作为无线网络质量的一个重要指标,如何降低掉话率也成为各个运营商、设备商所关注的话题。本论文通过对GSM网络掉话问题的分析,并且结合实际情况,找出各种解决掉话的方法。首先从移动通信的基本概念、发展历史入手,分析了GSM移动通信系统的现状、网络优化的重要性,然后从网络角度和企业角度解释了网络优化的基本目的,并详细介绍了网络优化的概念、网络优化的流程、网络优化的常用工具及常见网络优化问题的定位和解决、讨论了GSM数字移动通信无线系统网络优化问题;分析了目前网络中掉话、干扰、话务不均衡等一些常见问题产生的原因,给出了解决这些常见问题的网络优化方法及经验等内容。 关键词:移动通信 GSM网络 掉话 干扰 Abstract In recent years, Chinas mobile communications business developing rapidly, network the stand or fall of quality has become the network operators.The mobile communications market occupation, grasp the key of success or failure, and network optimization purpose is to make the network is best.In order to get the best running state economic benefits. Network quality to the deterioration of the user to drop words has become the operators.The main complaint source, how to integrated with various kinds of optimization technique and means to improve the performance of the network effectively reduced.Low optimization.some approach, has become the biggest problem faced by the operator Call drop affects every users subjective feeling, has a direct impact on the user to operators of trust. With the strengthening of GSM mobile users, GSM network increasingly mature, the operators also seriously more and more the whole network of operation quality and service quality. As a wireless network quality is one of important index, how to reduce the also become optimization.some approach each operators, equipment business concerns of the topic. In this paper, the GSM network to drop words the analysis of the problems, and connecting with the practice, find out the method of solving to drop words. Starting from the first mobile communication of the basic concepts and the development history of the GSM mobile communication s


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