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节能型嵌入式管道加热器 摘要 随着现代逆变技术的发展和电磁加热技术的逐渐成熟,一种新型的节能型嵌入式管道加热器,即高频电磁感应加热器已进入了研究发展阶段。 节能型嵌入式管道加热器是基于电磁感应加热原理,先将电网的工频交流电通过整流、滤波变成单向脉冲的直流电,随后由控制电路将直流电变成高频交流电,高频交流电作用于励磁线圈。励磁线圈是输出加热功率的元件,它是一个形状特殊的电感器。它在IGBT管高速且周期性的导通与截止状态下,不断从电源得到因自身损耗而消耗的能量,于是在励磁线圈的周围形成高频磁场,该磁场通过绝缘层作用于的不锈钢金属内胆,产生大量涡流,从而迅速加热。由电磁感应加热原理可以看到,这种加热方式实现了真正的隔离加热,高效节能、安全是该加热器最大的特点。 本文首先详细介绍了节能型嵌入式管道加热器的感应加热原理,然后提出了加热器的整体设计思路,重点设计了高频感应加热器的主电路-逆变单元和基于HT46R64型单片机的智能控制单元,其中包括半桥谐振,IGBT驱动,IGBT温度检测,加热温度检测,过流、欠压、过压保护,漏电检测与保护,蜂鸣器驱动等电路。 关键词 感应加热;集肤效应;高频;逆变器 Energy-saving Heater of Embedded Pipeline Abstract With the development of modern inverter technique and the mature of electromagnetic heating technique,a new electric embedded pipeline which is called high-frequency electromagnetic heater is in researching. The energy-saving heater of embedded pipeline is based on the theory of electromagnetic inductive heating. First, it changes the power frequency alternating current into one-way pulsed direct current through rectifying and filtering. Then, it changes direct current into high-frequency alternating current through controlling circuit. The high-frequency current acts on field coil, which is the element for output power of heating. It is all inductor with a special shape. The high-frequency keeps on obtaining the power consumed by itself under the IGBT’ s frequently getting through and cutting off.Therefore,the high-frequency magnetic field is formed around the field coil. This magnetic field acts inside of the stainless steel metal through insulator, which generates a mount of vortex flowleading the temperature rising rapidly. Through the theory of electromagnetic inductive heating we can find that it realizes the truly separation.And high performance of energy saving and safety is the most important feature of this heatertheory of electromagnetic inductive heating of the energy-saving heater of embedded pipeline. Then, it proposes the integrated design concept of the heater. The heater is designed mainly on the major elec


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