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记忆合金垫片在电力设备安全和节能中的应用试验研究 Application Experiment Reserch of Memory Alloy Spacer on Power Device Security and Energy Saving 方晓临,陈天翔,苏晓艺,刘涛 Fang Xiaolin, Chen Tianxiang,Su Xiaoyi ,Liu Tao (厦门理工学院电气工程与自动化学院,厦门市 361024) (Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen 361024, China ) 摘 要:接触电阻是引起电力设备接头发热的重要因素,减小接头接触电阻可以减小电力设备接头 发热。本文研究的是借助记忆合金在高温下恢复原有形状的功能来减小接头接触电阻,进而减少发 热,达到节能和安全的目的。通过在试验室搭建以记忆合金垫片和普通弹簧垫片在相同温度和相同 初始接触电阻的情况下做对比试验为出发点的试验平台,利用大电流发生器产生一定的电流,模拟 接头过热故障,对使用了记忆合金垫片和普通弹簧垫片的变压器两接头同时测量其各自接头温度和 接触电阻。试验结果表明记忆合金垫片相比普通弹簧垫片能够更好的减小接头的接触电阻,减小接 头发热,具有显著的安全和节能的作用。 ABSTRACT:Connector's contact resistance is the essential element of electrical equipment joint heat,reduce the joint contact resistance can reduce power equipment joint heat.This Experiment is aimed to verify a fact that we can use shape memory alloy whose function can restore to the original shape at high temperature to reduce the connector's contact resistance,so as to reach the purposes of energy saving and device security.In this paper,we build a experimental platform which uses shape memory alloy spacer and general spring spacer on the transformer's connectors to do comparison experiment under the same external temperature and initial contact resistance as the starting point in the laboratory,and create a certain current by high-current generator to analog a situation of connectors overheating fault, and measure the two connectors' temperature and contact resistance joints simultaneously.Taking into account of the results,we can get the point that compared to the general spring spacer, shape memory alloy spacer can reduce the connector's contact resistance,reduce the joint heat,and play a significant role of device security and energy saving in the device using. 关键词:接头发热,记忆合


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