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中欧法学院教学助理岗位申请表 The Teaching Assistant Application Form of CESL 说明:请用中英文填写。 Note: Please fill in Chinese and English. 姓名 Name 性别 Gender 出生日期 Date of birth 籍贯 Place of birth 学号 Student number 联系电话 Telephone/Cell phone number 电子信箱 Email 是否参加过教学助理工作 being the teaching assistant of CUPL/CESL 是Yes( ) 否 No( ) 曾经担任教学助 理工作的课程Course title of the course that assisted 中国法课程学习成绩平均分 Average grade of the Chinese courses 申请课程 Application course 教育背景 (从高中写起) Educational Background (started from high school) 就读院校 Name of Educational Institution 起始时间 Duration (mm/yyyy-mm/yyyy) 专业 Major 学位 Degree 是否全日制 Full time or not (Yes/Not) 请提供其他可证明你才能、能力和潜力的信息 Please provide other information that can demonstrate your talent, capability and potential. 申请Susan Gale Wintermuth教授所授课程教学助理,请同时提交用英文书写的自荐信,自荐信中须包含在学术研究方面的经验或培训,经验或培训既可源自网络,亦可源自图书馆相关机构。 Those who apply for the teaching assistant of courses given by Prof. Susan Gale Wintermuth should submit a self-recommendation letter in English, and describe your experience or training in academic research, both online and library-related. 本人声明: 本人保证在申请表提供的信息属实,并已明确知晓:提供虚假信息将导致本人丧失申请资格或取消录用。 I hereby declare that the information provided in this application form is true. I am aware of the consequence that the inclusion of false information will lead to the disqualification of my application or the expulsion afterwards. 签名: 时间: Signature Date


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