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题  目:                                         学生姓名:      学号: 系 别:         专业:        入学时间:           年       月 导师姓名:        职称/学位:      毕业论文(设计)提交时间:二○     年   题  目: 名片管理系统的设计与实现 学生姓名:  学号: 系 别: 计算机科学与电子技术系  专 业:   计算机科学与技术 入学时间:  年  月 导师姓名:  职称/学位: 副教授/硕士 名片管理系统 摘 要 随着商务通的出现,虽然实现了可构造查询条件的名片电子化管理,但价格昂贵,难以在广大客户中进行全面普及。因此开发一个既可以存储信息,又可以进行更新、查询等功能,同时价格又能为广大消费者接受的多功能名片通讯录就显得十分必要。本文基于Java开发环境开发了名片管理系统。本系统可实现用户对名片的管理。此系统除了最基本的用户管理模块之外,还包括查询,浏览,维护,打印报表等功能模块。这些模块可以实现对名片信息,公司信息和关系类型的信息的管理。功能包括查询名片信息,浏览名片信息,添加、修改、删除名片和公司信息,打印名片报表,联系记录报表和备忘录报表。本系统具有操作简单、功能较强、界面美观等优点,可以提高用户的办公效率,降低出错率。由于时间和技术水平有限的缘故,本系统只提供了一些基本功能的展示,不能展示系统的全部功能,还需要进一步实现更完善的功能。 关键词:名片管理系统;windows;Java;数据库; Card management system Abstract With the emergence of GUIDEC, we achieve the electronic management of business cards, while it is difficult to become universal among customers because of the price is high. Therefore it is necessary to develop a system that?can not only store information but also have the functions such as update, query, and so on, meanwhile its price could be accepted by the most of the customers. The development of this card management system is based on the technology of Visual FoxPro. The system could realize the management of the name cards, including the basic management module; it also includes query, browse, maintenance, printing statements, and other functional modules. These modules can realize the management of card information, company information, and relationship type; which includes query of card information, browse of card information, adding, modifying, deleting business card and company information, print of report forms, like business cards, relation record, and memo. With the advantages of simple operation, powerful function, this system can improve the efficiency of?office work and reduce the risk of errors. For the limitation of time and level of techni


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