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第22 卷第2 期 计算机应用与软件 V l22,N 2 2005 年2 月 C mputer Applicati ns and S ftware Feb2005 1, 2 2 蒋金山 余英林 1( 510641) 2( 510641) 图像的形状是描述图像的重要视觉和语义特征, 可通过图像中像素点的区域 布表现出来本文针对二值图像, 运用中 心投影变换, 使二维的图像模式转化为基于角度的一维模式, 该 一维模式表示图像在等角距的各 个方向上的投影, 在此基础上实现 二值图像的检索实验结果表明, 中心投影是图像的一个全局特征, 中心投影变换能有效地刻画二值图像的形状信息, 检索结果及 排列顺序与主观判断很 一致 中心投影变换 不变性 二值图像检索 CENTRAL PROJECTION TRANSFORMATION AND ITS APPLICATION IN BINARY IMAGE RETRIEVAL 1, 2 2 Jiang Jinshan Yu Yinglin 1 (Dep artment of Applied Mathematics, SCUT, Guangzhou Guangdong 510 41, China) 2 ( College of Electronical and Inf ormation Engineering, SCUT, Guangzhou Guangdong 510 41, China) Abstract Shape is a very imp rtant visual and semantic feature used t depict image and it can be revealed by image pixels regi nal distrubuti n. T binary image, this paper pr p ses a meth d that transit tw dimeni nal image pattern int ne dimensi nal pattern based n angle thr ugh using central pr jecti n transf rmati n, the ne dimensi nal pattern is the pr jecti n f image pix els in vari us angles r directi ns, afterward, decreasing the dimensi n f feature space by gr uping and uniting the pr jecti n datum. After c mpleting the central pr jecti n transf rmati n f r different images, Eu clidean distance is used as similar mesure between tw images, the smaller the distance, the m re similar the tw images. The experiment results sh w that central pr jecti n transf rmati n can depict images shape feature well, when it is used in binary image retrieval, the retrieval results and the ar rangement rder is fit with humans subjec


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