QTL Identificati on of the Insensitive Response to Photoperiod and Temperature in Soy bean.pdfVIP

QTL Identificati on of the Insensitive Response to Photoperiod and Temperature in Soy bean.pdf

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QTL Identificati on of the Insensitive Response to Photoperiod and Temperature in Soy bean.pdf

Journal of Integr ative Agricu ltur e 20 13, 12(8): 1423- 1430 August 20 13 RESEARCH ARTICLE QTL Identification of the Insensitive Response to Photoperiod and Temperature in Soybean by Association Mapping ZUO Qiao-mei, WEN Zi-xiang, ZHANG Shu-yun, HOU Jin-feng, GAI Jun-yi, YU De-yue and XING Han Key Laboratory of B iology and Genetic Imp rovement of Soy bean, M in is try of Ag riculture/National Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Germp lasm Enhancement/ Co lleg e of Ag ricu lture, Nanj ing Ag ricultural Un ivers ity , Nanj ing 2 10095, P.R. China Abstract The insensitive response to photoperiod and temperature is an important quantitative trait for soybean in wide adaptation breeding . The natural variation in resp on se to photoperiod and temp erature was detected using 275 accession s of soyb ean [Gly cine max (L.) Merrill] from China . Genome-wide association mapping, based on p opulation structure analysis, was carried out using 118 SSR markers by the TASSEL GLM (general linear model) program . Nine SSR markers (P0.0 1) were associated with the valu e of the resp on se to photoperiod and temperature (VRPT) cau sed by days to flowering (DF), among which, Satt308 (LG M), Satt 150 (LG M) and Satt440 (LG I), were identified in both 2006 and 2007. Twelve SSR markers (P0.0 1) were associated with VRPT caused by days to maturity (DM), among which three markers, Satt387 (LG N), Satt307 (LG C2) and AW310961 (LG J), were detected in both 2006 and 2007. In addition, a total of 20 elite alleles were screened out over 2006 and 2007 for being associated with an insensitive response to photoperiod and temperature (IRPT) caused by DF and a total of seven different elite alleles were screened out for being associated with IRPT caused by DM. Among these elite alleles, five alleles, Satt150-244, Satt308-164, Satt308


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