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·346 · 实用癌症杂志 2008年 7 月第 23 卷第 4 期 The Practical Jou rnal of Cancer, Ju ly 2008, Vol 23 ,No. 4
PCNA、CXCR4 蛋白在青年乳腺癌组织中的表达及其意义
刘桂平 张良明 孙 萍 耿冬梅
【摘要 】 目的 探讨 PCNA 和 CXCR4 蛋白在青年乳腺癌肿瘤组织中的表达及其意义 。方法 应用免疫组化 SP法
检测 24例青年乳腺癌的 PCNA、CXCR4表达 ,并与随机抽取的同期 50例中老年乳腺癌相比较 。结果 24例青年乳腺癌
PCNA 、CXCR4表达率分别是 83. 3% 、70. 8% 。中老年组 PCNA、CXCR4 表达率分别是 64. 0% 、52. 0% 。青年乳腺癌 PC
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NA 、CXCR4表达率均高于中老年组 P 0. 05 。结论 PCNA 及 CXCR4 高表达与青年乳腺癌组织分化差 ,侵袭性强有
关 。
【关键词 】 乳腺癌 ;青年女性 ;免疫组织化学 ;增殖细胞核抗原 ; CXCR4 蛋白
中图分类号 : R737. 9 文献标识码 : A 文章编号 :(2008)
The Expression an d S ign if ican ce of PCNA an d CXCR4 Prote in in Brea st Cancer
T issue from Y oung W om en
L I U Gu ip ing, ZHAN G L iang m ing, SUN P ing, et a l. M ed ica l colleg e of Q ing dao Un ivers ity, Q ing dao, 266000
【A b stract 】 O bjective To evaluate the exp re ssion and sign ificance of PCNA and CXCR4 p rotein in b rea st cancer tissue s
from young wom en. M ethods The exp re ssion of PCNA and CXCR4 was evaluated by imm unoh istochem ical m ethod in tissue s
from 24 young wom en w ith brea st cancer. 50 m iddle and old aged wom en w ith brea st cancer were u sed a s controls. Results The
po sitive rate s of CXCR4 and PCNA in the young group were 83. 3% and 70. 8% , and the po sitive rates of PCNA and CXCR4 in
the con trol group were 64. 0% and 52. 0%. The po sitive rate s of CXCR4 and PCNA in the young group wa s h igher than that in the
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control group P 0. 05 . Con clusion The h igh po sitive rate s of PCNA and CXCR4 in tissue s from young breast cancer p a
tien ts are correlated w ith the h igh h isto logical grade and strong inva sion poten tials.
【Key words】 B rea st cancer; Young