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20 11 4 高等教 育研 究 Apr. , 2011 32 ! 4 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Journal of H igher Education ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Vol. 32! No. 4 * 王学俭, 张! 哲 ( 兰州大学马克思主义学院, 甘肃 兰州730000) ! : 新媒体技术的发展使阅读进入了 后 代阅读 时代, 从而使得新时期的大学生 获取信息的途径更加快捷获取信息的内容更加丰富, 进而影响着当代大学生的思维方式, 大 学生思想政治教育工作也因此面临着许多新的问题这就需要思想政治教育工作者思想上高 度重视 后 代阅读 与思想政治教育工作的关系研究, 整合并利用各类媒体, 把握趋众性, 注 意发挥 意见领袖 的影响力, 认真解决 浅阅读 网瘾 等问题 : 后 代阅读; 新媒体; 大学生; 思想政治教育 : G641! : A ! : 2011) Study on Coll ege Students∀ Ideological and Political Education in the Postmodern Reading Envi ronment WANG Xuejian, ZHANG Zhe ( Schoo l of M ar x ism, L anz hou Un iv er sity , L anz hou 730000, China) Abstract : The de elopment of new media technology makes reading into the postmod er n reading era, w hich has brought about quick access to infor mation and more reading ma ter ials to college students; and it w ill impact students∀ thinking w ay. T hen the college ideo logical education is facing many new problems. For ideological and political education facul ty, it needs to pay more attention to the relationship r esearch betw een postmodern read ing and the ideological education, integrate and make good use of all kinds of media, seize the popular tendency, make use of the influence of opinion leader and sol e problems such as shallow reading and internet addiction . Key words: postmodern r eading; new media; college student; ideological and political e


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