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UNIT 3-unit5知识点.doc

UNIT 3-UNIT5 课文知识点 Uinit5 Loneliness may be a sort of national disease here, and it’s more embarrassing for us to admit than any other sin. 孤独或许是这里的一种民族弊病,我们羞于承认它,甚于其他任何罪恶。孤独或许是这里的一种民族弊病,我们羞于承认它,甚于其他任何罪恶。 Sth. be a kind of thing, and it’s more …(adj.) for sb. to do than any other thing. 某事是······,我们做某事,甚于其它任何事情。 用于表述“对事物的界定与感受”。 正直是当权者一种可贵的素质,他们表现出的正直远比其它品质更难能可贵。 Integrity is a kind of honorable quality for those in power, and it’s more worthwhile for them to show than any other trait. Consider Dorothy Wordsworth, for instance, helping her brother William put on his coat, finding his notebook and pencil for him, and waving as he sets forth into the early spring sunlight to look at flowers all by himself. 就拿多萝西·华兹华斯来说吧,她帮哥哥威廉穿上外衣,为他找到笔记本和铅笔,向他挥手告别,目送他走进早春的阳光去独自对花沉思。 (Just) Consider / Look at sb., for example / instance, doing …, doing t …, and doing … 就拿某人来说/为例吧,他/她做······,做······,做······ 用于表述“例证”。 就拿这位公仆为例吧,他始终视人民的利益高于一切,身体力行。 Consider this public servant, for instance, always valuing the people’s interests above everything else, and earnestly practicing what he advocates. 3.Then, rather than trouble to put it in his own handwriting, he calls the girls to come back and write it down while he dictates. 然而他并不自己费神将诗歌写下来,而是唤回女儿们,向她们口述,由她们记下来。 Rather than do sth., sb. do (would do) sth. else. 某人并不······, 而是······ 用于表述“某人的真实做法”。 世界各国都没有坐以待毙,而是竭尽全力应对百年一遇的经济危机。 Rather than sit back and await their doom, all the countries are doing their utmost to address the worst economic crisis in generations. We admire him, not for his self-reliance, but because he was all by himself out there at Walden Pond, and he wanted to be. 我们钦佩他,并非因为他能自力更生,而是因为他孤身一人在瓦尔登湖畔生活,他喜欢这 样。 Sb. do sth., not for…(phrase), but because … (从句)某人做某事,并非因为······,而是因 为······ 用于表示“某人做某事的真实原因”。 一些人谋求公职,并非因为奉献精神,而是因为官位能给他们带来极大的利益和优势。 Some people seek public office, not for their spirit of commitment, but because their positions will give them great benefit and advantage. I have


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