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人文地理 2011 年第 1 期 总第 117 期 文章编号 : ( ) 1003-2398 2011 01-0100-05 基于 GIS 的宁夏中卫县地名文化景观分析 李建华 ,米文 宝 ,冯翠月 ,杨 显 明 (宁夏大学 资源环境学院 ,银川 750021 ) AN ANALYSIS ON TOPONYM CULTURAL LANDSCAPE BASED ON GIS APPLICATION IN ZHONGWEI COUNTY, NINGXIA MUNICIPALITY LI Jian-hua, MI Wen-bao, FENG Cui-yue, YANG Xian-ming (School of Resources and Environment Science, Ningxia University , Yinchuan 750021, China) Abstract: Toponym is certain name of a natural or human geographic entity of specific space locations. As the product of human activity, the formation of a toponym has profound geographical, historical and cultural background, not only reflecting historical period and the reality of the natural geographical features, but also recording numerous cultural landscape information including national prosperity, social change, economic production, military activities. This paper aims to analyze geographic names in Zhongwei County from the perspectives of the names character frequency, origin and cultural landscape carries with quantitative method and mathematical statistics method. The authors adopt GIS technology to establish a spatial database of to- ponyms of Zhongwei county and analyze with ArcGIS Spacial Statistics ToolBox and Analysis Toolbox. The results show that the toponym cultural landscape indicates the natural environment characteristics of middle temperate zone continental climate and the Yellow river, also implicates its particular frontier culture, migra- tion culture and dialect culture. From the perspective of space, the toponym cultural landscape reveals that the density of toponym has positive correlation with the dis


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