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第 2 1 卷 第 4 期 传 感 技 术 学 报 Vol . 2 1 N o . 4
2008 年 4 月 CHIN ES E J OU RNAL O F S EN SORS AND AC TUA TORS Ap r . 2008
Research and Test of the Circuit for MEMSBased Piezoelectric Micro Energy Harvesting Device
1 2 1 1
S H E N X i ucheng , FA N G H uabi n , WA N G YaJ un , L I U J i ngqu an
1. N at ional Key L aboratory of M icro/ N ano F abricat ion Technol ogy , Key L aborat ory f or Thi n Fi l m an d M icro F abricat ion of M i nis t ry of
E d ucat ion , I ns t it ute of M icro/ N ano S cience an d Technology , S hang hai J i ao Tong Uni vers i ty , S hang hai 200030 , Chi na;
2 . A CS S ens ors L ab , H oney w el l , S hang hai 20 1203 , Chi na
Abstract :Micro ener gy harve sting t echnolo gy i s to utilit y so me eff ect s to convert t he ener gy aroun d t he en
viro ment into elect rical ener gy . So it can supp ly t he ener gy for t he M EM S device s in t he embedded sy st em
an d wirele ss sen sor s net wor k s. Thi s p ap er di scu sse s a piezoelect ric micro ener gy harve stin g device w hich i s
ba sed M EM S t echnolo gy . Thi s device wor k s in low f requency enviro nment . When excit ed by t he vibra
tion , t he device can convert t he mechanical ener gy into elect rical ener gy . But t he direct outp ut elect rical
ener gy of t he ener gy harve stin g device i s A C volt age an d u sually can not be supp lied to t he device s direct
ly . So A CDC circuit i s u sed to convert A C volt age into DC volt age and t hen it will be supp lied to t he
M EM S device s. Thi s p ap er give s t he t e stin g circuit of t he micro ener gy harve sting device an d analyze s t he
re sult . It demon st rat e s t he fea sib