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2008 37 1 43 OIL FIELD EQUIPMENT 2008,37( 1) :43~ 45 : 1001-3482( 2008) 01-0043-03 Pro /E ANSYS ( , 1634 11) : 阀门实体建模与有限元分析对其结构设计与性能改进十分重要针对油田阀门CADCAE 技术的 状和发展趋势, 应用Pro/ E 和ANSYS 软件无缝连接, 成功地对平板阀进行了三维建模 虚拟装配和阀体的有限元分析根据分析结果, 提出基于理论分析的改进方案, 为阀门的整体结构 优化设计与性能改进提供了理论依据 : 平板阀; 建模; 有限元分析 : T E93 1. 03 : A Entity Modeling and Finite Element Analysis of GateValve Using Pro/ E and ANSYS ZHANG in ( N o. 1 Oil P r od uct ion P lant, D aqing O ilf ield , D aq ing 163411, China) Abstract: It is v ery important to improve structural design and performance of entity mo deling and f inite elem ent analy sis of the gate valve. Aim ing at present situation and development tr ends of CAD and CAE technology of oil field g ate valve, using Pro/ E and ANSYS softw are seamless link, three-dim ensio n mo deling to the g ate valve, virtual assem ble and finite elem ent analysis w ere carr ied out successfully. According to the analysis result , the improv em ent scheme based on the theory analysis w as put forw ard, thus offering the theor etical basis for the w hole structural optimization design and performance improvement of the gate valve. Key ords: g ate valv e; mo deling ; f inite element analysis ) ) ) , Pro/ E ANSYS , , , Pro/ E , , ANSYS , AN- , SYS , , , , Pro/ E , CADCAE Pro/ E , CAD , , ANSYS , , ; CAE 1 , , , 1. 1 Pro/E : 2007-07- 17 : ( 1973-) , , , , CA DCA E # 44 # 2008 1 , AN- SYS , ANSYS


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