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本 科 毕 业 论 文 论文题目 中小企业融资渠道的研究 所 在 班 级 学 号 姓 名 指导教师及职称 成 绩 中小企业融资渠道的研究 The financing of our country’s small-and-medium-sized enterprise 班级:071会计学(4)班 姓名:柳筱瑀 学号:座机电话号码3 指导老师:王烨(讲师) [摘要]中小企业要想持续健康的发展离不开资金的供应和支持。中小企业是我国国民经济的重要组成部分,为国家的经济发展起到了不可替代的作用。如何改善中小企业融资状况,建立我国中小企业融资支持体系受到社会各界的重视。然而,现实中中小企业融资始终处于不利的地位。在我国,由于中小企业发展起步晚,市场机制还不完善,风险投资实业不发达,中小企业融资受到的限制较多,融资渠道十分不畅,中小企业融资面临的困难更大。 为了探索解决我国中小企业融资过程中存在的问题,本研究首先在明晰相关概念,提出科学界定我国中小企业标准的基础上,介绍了我国中小企业的融资现状。其次,从理论和实际方面详细分析了造成当前中小企业资金短缺的根本原因。然后对我国中小企业上市公司融资效率进行了实证分析,得出了我国中小企业融资方式的选择顺序。最后,提出了增强中小企业融资能力,完善融资环境,发挥银行融资总渠道的作用以及进行融资租赁的对策。 Abstract: Small-and-medium-sized enterprise(SME)to the sustained and healthy development can not be separated from the supply of funds and support. The small and medium enter prise SME in China's national economy is an important part of the country's economic development has played an irreplaceable role. How to improve the financing situation of SME, the SME financing to support the establishment of our system by all sectors of the community's attention. However, the reality has always been financing small and medium enterprises at disadvantage, even in the economic development of fast, flexible market mechanism, improve the capital market of western developed countries, financing small and medium enterprises are also faced with numerous difficulty, to a large extent dependent on the Government's Assistance and support. In our country, the development of SME because of their late start, the market mechanism is not perfect, immature, less developed venture capital industry, SME are more restrictions, financing channels are very poor, financing small and medium enterprises are facing greater difficulties. In order to explore how to solve the problems existed in the financing of our country’s SMEs, this study firstly cleared the related conceptions, and put forward its defining standards scientifically. Secondly ,the study introduced the present situation of its difficult financing situation. Then


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