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第 34 卷  第 2 期 吉 林 大 学 学 报 ( 工 学 版 )  Vol . 34  No . 2 2004 年 4 月 Journal of J ilin University ( Engineering and Technology Edition)  Ap r . 2004 文章编号 :167 1 - 5497 (2004) 02 - 0 185 - 04 轮胎结构不对称性对其力学特性建模的影响 卢  荡 , 郭孔辉 (吉林大学 汽车动态模拟国家重点实验室 ,吉林 长春  130022) 摘  要 :轮胎因其结构不对称性导致的胎体锥度及帘布层转向效应 ,显著影响轮胎的力学特 性 。对于某一轮胎的试验数据 ,考虑胎体锥度及帘布层转向效应 ,是建立正确的经验及半经验 轮胎力学特性模型的关键 。本文对胎体锥度及帘布层转向效应进行了深入分析 ,提出了胎体 锥度及帘布层转向效应等效处理及相应的试验辨识方法 。指出轮胎模型的有效输入 ,是研究 轮胎结构不对称性对其力学特性建模影响的有效方法 。 关键词 :轮胎模型 ;胎体锥度 ;帘布层转向 中图分类号 :U46 1   文献标识码 :A Structure unsymmetry eff ect on tire mechanical behavior model ing L U D ang , GUO Kongh ui ( ) S tate Key L aboratory of A utom obile Dy nam ic S i m ulation , J ilin University , Changchun 130022 , China Abstract :Tire st ruct ure unsymmet ry result s in conicity and plysteering , and has significant influence on tire mechanical behavior . Taking t he tire conicity and plysteering into account is very import ant to develope tire empirical or semiempirical model from tire experiment al dat a . In t his p aper , t he effect s of conicity and plysteering on tire force and moment characteristics were investigated in det ail , t he concept of equivalent slip and camber angles were int roduced , and corresponding identification p rocedure was p resented . It is concluded t hat int roduction of t he effective inp ut of tire model is t he reasonable app roach to consider st ruct ure unsymmet ry effect on tire modeling . Key words :tire model ;tire conicity ;plysteering 研究轮胎的力学特性对汽车动力学的发展有重要意义[ 1 ] 。建立能精确描述轮胎力学特性的模型


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