在线TOC验证报告(美国 休斯敦).docVIP

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考虑到D/DBP(消毒剂/消毒副产物)的相关标准与规范要求,在没有在线TOC分析仪的情况下,有任何企业或机构愿意承担高额的营运成本和风险吗?当在线监测对比取样监测:其中的优/劣势何在? WILLIAM J REAVIS, YING WEI, ERIC SABOLSICE; AND THOMAS HITCHCOCK 公共事务与工程 水质监控集团,德克萨斯州·休斯敦市 摘要 The City of Houston, Texas has been aware of the implications that current and pending regulatory standards would have on the operation of their four surface water treatment facilities. In particular, the City has closely monitored changes in regulations related to enhanced coagulation, total organic carbon (TOC) removal, and disinfection by-products (DBP) reduction. The City has, and continues, to conduct extensive bench, pilot, and plant scale tests to determine how these regulatory changes would impact the operation of their surface water facilities. 德克萨斯州 休斯敦市一直关注着即将出台的水质监测标准对该市四座水处理设施所带来的潜在影响,同时,还更关注新标准在加强絮凝、提高TOC去除率、减少消毒副产物等方面的变化。为此,休斯敦市开展了一系列的实验室验证、试点及工厂测试等活动,从而判断这一调整对水处理设施的日常运作所带来的影响。 The TOC content of the source and finished water is the common attribute that significantly impacts each of the regulations of interest. TOC is perhaps the one water quality parameter that could impact the financial bottom line of a utility most. In most cases, a fully automated surface treatment facility still measures TOC by collecting periodic grab samples for laboratory analysis. Making treatment decisions based on periodic TOC grab samples is comparable to flying a commercial airliner without instrumentation. 进厂和出厂水的TOC含量通常对水质处理和监测结果有着重要的影响。同时,TOC参数还与处理厂经济效益密切相关。在大多数情况下,一座全自动化的地表水处理工厂,仍采用定时取样的方式,将水样送入实验室进行分析,测出相应的TOC值。但仅根据取样所测得的TOC参数,来决定对应的处理方案,其风险如同搭乘没有仪表盘的商务航班,毫无保障。 In a collaborative effort between the Water Quality Laboratory and the Operations Group at the City’s East Water Purification Complex (EWPC), an evaluation of on-line TOC equipment has been completed. After nearly a year of plant scale evaluation, the recommendation is being made that on-line TOC analyzers be purchased to enhance facility operations. During the trial, the instrument was used to monitor plant performance


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