sect;3 permeability in soil土的渗透性.ppt

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§3 permeability in soil 土的渗透性 土的渗透性 Permeability 有效应力 Effective stress This states that discharge velocity, v of water is proportional to the hydraulic gradient, i . v=q/A= k i 1.The Principle of Effective Stress ? The importance of the forces transmitted through the soil skeleton from particle to particle was recognized in 1923 when Terzaghi presented the principle of effective stress, an intuitive relationship based on experimental data. The principle applies only to fully saturated soils and relates the following three stresses: (1) 总应力 the total normal stress?(σ) (2) 孔隙水压力 the pore water pressure (u) (3) 有效应力 the effective normal stress (σ’ ) * * Civil Engineering Department of Shanghai University Soil Mechanics Chapter 2 3.1 土的渗透性 Permeability 1 达西定律Darcy Law where : K=Darcy coefficient of permeability ,m/s The hydraulic gradient i is the ratio of the head loss h over a distance L The discharge velocity v is defined as the quantity of water , q percolating through a cross-sectional area A in unit time .This is not the sane as the velocity of the water percolating through the soil which is known as the seepage velocity . Constant head permeameter Falling head permeameter 2 粘性土的渗透性 Permeability of Clay Civil Engineering Department of Shanghai University Soil Mechanics Chapter 2 3 渗透性力 Force of permeability ? ? ? 解 水头差:h=1.5+2.5=4m 流径长L=2.5+2d 细砂的浮容重: 临界水力梯度 考虑安全系数后,实有的水力梯度为: 4 流砂与管涌 Running Sand, Heaving or Piping 5 临界水力梯度 Critical hydraulic gradient Exercise 3-1 For the seepage situations shown in Fig below, the length of the sand sample L=25cm and water head difference h=20cm. Calculate the Force of permeability applied on sand If γs=26.8kN/m3, e=0.72, Determine whether will running sand occur? If the running sand occurs, calculate the necessary water head difference. Civil Engineerin


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