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托福听力的弦外之音前言之五   作用三、场景方法的最大作用还是在于段子。前面的题型方法可以给段子题以很大的帮助和技巧,但不能从根本上解决问题。能从根本上解决段子问题的当属场景方法,这其中的原因——正如前文所说——在于ETS的“学生生活原则”。   TOEFL听力的段子都是关于学生生活的,其中难度最大的当属专业内容的段子,而它们也是学生生活的一部分。专业类段子尽管本书介绍了某些技巧,但把同类段子横听以把握其场景虮尘爸度允且幌?br 重要的工作,没有这一工作做基础也就无技巧可言。(参见“专业段子”相关内容)   TOEFL听力段子中的绝大多数是关于学生日常生活的。对于所占比例最高的日常生活内容的段子,只要把它们按场景一一分类---如图书馆的场景、学生食堂的场景、选课的场景、入学注册的场景等等等等,然后把每一类场景的段子放在一起横向听熟,掌握每一类场景的固定背景知识和厣驶悖蛞桓龆巫拥乃母鎏饽烤拖蟪【罢馓跸呱纤┳诺乃母?br 蚂炸,手到擒来,一个也跑不了。   例如TESTI6的第一个段于是学生入学时登记注册的场景。假定考生听力实力不好,具体内容未能听懂。但其中众多特色性的词汇:registration,course enrollment form,signed by academic advisor,get the departments approval,tables set up aIl the way areund,stamp your form,approved,pay for tuition,officially enrolled,pick up identification card等,再加上这些词汇的反复出现足以使考生确定段子场景。   现在我们就在这一假定下,不靠段子的实际内容,仅仅根据“登记注册”这一场景,看看能作出多少题目: Q36 . Who is the speaker? (A) A new student. (B) A physical education teacher. ( C) A professional photographer. ( D) A university administrator. Q37 . When would this talk be given? (A) At the beginning of a semester. (B) During the midsemester vacation. (C) At final examination time . (D) Just before a gymnastics event. Q38 . Where are the studento going toniormwo (A) ro regsiration . (B) To a class reunion. (C) To their classes. (D) To a track meet. Q39 . What must all studenta bring to the gymnasiuni tomorrow, (A) Tickets. (B) Stamps . (C) New sports shoes. (D) Course enrollment forms. Q40 . Why must the students walk around the different tables in the gymnasium? (A) To meet their future professor. (B) To find the best seats for the meet. (C) To get depedmental approvai for their courses. (D) To introduce themselves to all of the judges. Q41. According to the speaker, what may students do only dter they pay tuition and fees? (A) Enter the gymnasium. (B) Attend class officiaily. (C) See a counselor. (D) Pariicipate in the gymnastics meet. Q42 . What is happening tomormw afternoon, (A) Qass pictures will be on sale. (B) A photography exhibit will open. (C) Identification cards will I)e availa



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