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8AU8期末过关复习 一单词 1灾难 2 地震 3 洪水 4轻微的 5 猛撞 6害怕,惧怕(n.) 7 摇动 8 寂静的 9 紧张的 10 规律作响 11 头脑,介意 12 由于 13 活着的 14 呼喊声 15 睡着的 16 烧伤 17 工作日 18 清除 19 头疼 20牙痛 21农村,乡下 22家务活23几乎将近 二词组 自然灾害 2.全湿透了 3.把它拖干净 4.醒来 5.冲走村庄 6.撞到树上 7.着火 8.听说 9.感到轻微的晃动 10.害怕地尖叫 11.雷电交加的一场大暴雨 12.听到像雷声的一声巨响 13.朝四面八方跑 14.倒塌 15.自言自语 16.被困在车里 17.一阵恐惧 18.大声呼救 19.在黑暗中慢慢移动身体 20.听到兴奋人群的叫喊声 21.搬走砖块 22.尽力找出路 23.看到你和父母正站在路边上等出租车 24..把手放在冷水中大约10分钟 25.抛锚、出故障 26.堆雪人 27.滚一个大雪球 28.尽可能快地 29.趟过洪水 30.藏在结实的桌子下面 31.遵守交通规则 32.保护自己安全远离危险 33.风刮走了我的伞 34.几乎摔倒 35.清除街道上的雪 36.从昨天的报告中学到很多 三句子 1.当我醒来的时候,我吃惊地发现我的房子全都湿了,惊恐地尖叫了起来。 2.我妈妈在拖地,我爸爸在写自然灾害的文章。 3.那场大洪水冲走了村子里的所有房屋和桥梁。 4.闪电击中了教学楼,整栋楼着火了。我打了119,消防队员会尽快赶来的。 5.三天前,一场暴风雪袭击了北京。我不得不在厚厚的雪中慢行。 6. 突如其来的大雪们困在。’s way out 23.see you and your parents waiting for a taxi 24.keep hands in cold water for about 10 minutes 25.break down 26.make snowmen 27.make a big snowball 28. as soon as possible 29.walk through the flood water 30.hide under a strong desk 31. follow traffic rules 32. keep ourselves safe from danger 33.lose my umbrella in the wind 34.nearly fall over 35.clear snow from the streets 36. learn a lot from yesterday’s talk 三句子 To my surprise, I found my house was all wet and screamed in fear. My mom was mopping the floor while my father was writing articles about natural disasters. That flood washed away all houses and bridges in the village. Lightning hit a classroom building and it caught fire. I called 119 and the firemen would come as soon as possible. A snowstorm hit Beijing three days ago.We had to move slowly in the deep snow. The sudden heavy snow kept falling around, the tourists were trapped in the small village.Finally,they found their way out with the help of villagers. My car broke down because of the cold weather.When I was waiting for help on the side of the road, I saw a car crash into the wall. You s


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