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振兴中医药 2012 12 33 12A 466 医学与哲学 年 月第 卷第 期总第 期 从中医史视角再看中医 黄晓卿① : 、 , 。 摘要 近代共识的中医属性是以阴阳五行 辨证论治等为特征的中医理论体系 以治疗慢性病和调理平衡为特点 但对医 , 、 , 史的重温 却见中医曾经遏制烈性病的传播 曾经有过启迪性的医学发现 更有近年因发现抗疟药青蒿素使中医得到医学 。 , 。 界褒奖 中医属性与这些史实的矛盾提示中医遗产不限于其理论体系 需重新审视中医并调整中医的挖掘和发展战略 : , , 关键词 中医 青蒿素 中医史 中图分类号:R22 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002 - 0772 (2012)12 - 007 1 - 02 Reconsideration of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the View of Its History H UANG Xiao-qing. Fuj ian Institute of Tradi- tional Chinese Medicine ,Fuzhou 350003 ,China Abstract :Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)is identified as its characteristic Yinyangism Five Phases theory and its diagnosis and treatment method ,and is thought to be good at chronic disease and not good at acute disease . However ,it is found by reex- amining TCM history that TCM once had contained the spread of very serious infectious diseases ,had made some edificatory medi- cal discovery ,and got the achievement of the artemisinin killing plasmodium from TCM herbs ,which got Lasker Medical Research Awards. The contradiction of TCM property and those TCM history points out that the heritage of TCM is not limited to its theory system ,and TCM character should be identified again and the strategy of developing and excavating TCM should be modulated. Key Words :Traditional Chinese Medicine ,artemisinin ,history of Traditional Chinese Medicine 1 、 。 引言


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