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大山蝸牛屬在台灣的環種化及形態適應 Ring speciation and morphological adaptation in Taiwan Cyclophorus 李彥錚*1, 2 呂光洋1 巫文隆2,3 YEN-CHEN LEE*1, 2, KUANG-YANG LUE1, WEN-LUNG WU2, 3 國立台灣師範大學,生命科學系 Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University 中央研究院,生物多樣性中心 Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica 通訊作者 E-mail: malacolg@gate.sinica.edu.tw corresponding author. E-mail: malacolg@gate.sinica.edu.tw 摘要 台灣五個大山蝸牛屬種群成環型分布,外形可分為二大類,一是有稜型;一是無稜型。我們以COI及16S rRNA兩種分子標記,檢測台灣的大山蝸牛屬五個種群,發現FST與逆時針累加地理距離 起始於台灣西南部,逆時針經由南岬、台東、花蓮、宜蘭、台北、台中、終於嘉義 有顯著正相關,各族群間有有限度的基因交流,因此台灣的大山蝸牛可能為一環種。此外殼的稜線可能與環境適應有關。 關鍵字:環種,大山蝸牛屬,形態學,適應,台灣 Abstract The samples of Cyclophorus span two critical links in the chain of morphologically distinct units: the transition from the round and keeled peripheral shell types from north to south Taiwan. We examined COI cytochrome oxidase subunit I and 16S rRNA mitochondrial DNA of the five taxa of Taiwan Cyclophorus and found both COI and 16S rRNA gene trees show strong geographic structures. The Mantel test show significant positive correlation between fixation index FST and cumulative geographic anti-clockwise distance origin in the region around Tainan, anti-clockwise pass through south cape, Taidung, Hualian, Iran, Taipei, Taichung and meet the original populations in Chia-yi . There are finite gene flew between adjacent population. And there are series clines around the Central Range. We believe Taiwan Cyclophorus is a proposed “ring species”. In the morphology and environmental variables correlation study, we found the currently shell morphology may cause by the adaptation of recent long term climate. Keywords: ring species, Cyclophorus, morphology, adaptation, Taiwan.


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