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广播电视编导专业本科人才培养计划一、培养目标 Educational Objectives 本专业以培养视听新媒体特色的广播电视编导人才为导向,将结合当前媒介融合的时代背景,突破传统媒体与新媒体的领域界限,以文化创意产业需求为导向,以各级政府宣传部门、电视台、传媒公司等媒介机构为就业走向,培养拥有多重学科视野,能够胜任各种媒介形态下的节目策划与运营,同时具备采访、写作、编排、拍摄、编辑等多种实践操作能力的多层次复合型人才。 Our major oriented to cultivate television director talents with audio-visual new media capability. Combined with background of media convergence, our major breaks though the traditional media and new media field boundaries, meets the demand of cultural and creative industries including all levels government propaganda departments, television station, media institutions. We oriented to cultivate inter-disciplinary talents with the capability of interview, writing, editing, shooting and all kinds of practical ability. 二、基本规格要求i. Develop Basic professional capability for producing audio-visual programs. 2.掌握网络与新媒体节目编导的专业核心能力; ii .Master core professional capability for network and new media program directing; 3. 掌握运用新兴媒体实现信息传播的全媒体专业拓展能力; iii. Master Professional capability for omni-media reporting by new media; 4. 了解视听媒体事业现状、动态与发展趋势,并掌握科学的社会调查方法,具备娴熟、练达的社会活动能力; iv. Understand the policies and regulations of audio-visual new media; Knowing dynamic status and developmental trends of Chinese and foreign radio and television business; grasping the social scientific research methods and skillful capacity in social activities. 5.具有较强的计算机应用能力和英语听、说、读、写、译的能力。 v . Possess strong ability of computer application and English listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation. 三、学制与学位修业年限:四年授予学位:学士四、学时与学分Total Credits:184 1.课堂教学: 学时/学分: 2352/147 占总学分的比例: 79.9%; ⅰ.Classroom Teaching: Hours/Credits: 2352 /147 The Proportion of Total Credits:79.9% ; 2.Intensified Internship for Practical Training:Week/ Credits:32/32 The Proportion of Total Credits: 17.4%; 3.课外实践与创新活动学分:5 占总学分的比例: %。 ⅲ.Extracurricular Activities and Innovation:Credits:5 The Proportion of Total Credits: 2.7% 五、主干学科 六、主课程 Main Courses 摄影Photography、电视摄像 Television Camera、电视编辑学 Television Editing


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