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托福听力态度题解析   托福听力有时并不需要整个托福听力原文中的词语全一个不差的听明白,一些题目只要听出了说话人的态度,抓住了关键点也照样能做对,下面的托福听力技巧就为大家讲一讲如何通过讲述人的attitude来判断题目的选项。   托福听力中说话人的态度,是指对发生过的事件,或者科学研究所表达的看法。一般,我们可以分为4类:支持,反对,怀疑或者客观。提问方式一般为:   What is the students attitude toward ?   What is the speakers opinion of ?   What does the professor think of ?   What is the professors point of view concerning…?   有时教授会通过语音语调直接表达自己对某事的态度,有时文章中则会出现评价性的语言,当我们听到评价性语言时,我们一定要注意记笔记,因为这里通常会有态度题出现,表示评价的提示词有favorable, approval, enthusiastic , supportive,disapproval, dissatisfied, objection, opposition, critical, compromising, concerned,suspicious, incredulous, skeptical, questionable,neutral, impartial, disinterested, unprejudiced, unbiased, detached等。   在讲座中,教授通常讲解对某项研究不同团队所做出的假设,教授通常对此类研究也会表明自己的态度:证实假设,假设错误,有待研究,具体情况需具体分析,或者没有结果,将来才能得到答案。   例如:TPO4 L3 Moving Rocks这篇文章中,教授提到“风+雨”的理论时的托福听力原文是这样的:   How about wind combined with rain? The ground of this desert is made of clay. It’s a desert, so it’s dry. But when there is the occasional rain, the clay ground becomes extremely slippery. It’s hard for anyone to stand on, walk on. Some scientists theorized that perhaps when the ground is slippery the high winds can then move the rocks. There’s a problem with this theory. One team of scientists flooded an area of the desert with water, then try to establish how much wind force would be necessary to move the rocks. And get this,you need winds of at least five hundred miles an hour to move just the smallest rocks! And winds that strong have never been recorded. Ever! Not on this planet. So I think it’s safe to say that that issues has been settled.   【翻译】:那风加雨怎么样呢?这片沙漠是由黏土构成的,因为是沙漠,所以很干燥。然而,偶然有雨时,黏土地就会变得格外滑,人无法站立,无法行走。一些科学家设想当地面湿滑,风就能推动这些岩石。这个理论有个问题。一个科学家团队将沙漠的一片区域弄湿,试着测试多大风力可以将岩石移动。让最小的岩石移动,需要风速至少 500英里每小时。地球上从来没有见过这么强劲的风力。从来没有!所以,我认为这一问题已经被解决了。   The professor mentions experiments on the wind speed necessary to move rocks. What is the professor’s attitude toward the experiments?   A. Their results were decisive.   B. They were not carried out


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