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SAT阅读长难句(解析版) 为了帮助大家攻克 SAT阅读,我花费了很多的时间和精力来整理 SAT阅读当中的这些 难句,选自 SAT真题(共 44句),OG (共38句)和 OC (共23句)三个部分,一共 105 句。旨在帮助各位学子梦想成真。 真题部分 1. In Ohio, our road sometimes moved right alongside the turnpike and we could see the new cars ,with their outlandish fins ,passing us as regularly as cards being dealt off the top of an endless deck. 难句类型:复杂修饰+修辞方法(明喻) 难词注解: turnpike :n. 收费公路 outlandish a.奇怪的,古怪的 fins :散热片 dealt: deal 的过去时,在此意思是发牌; deck :一副纸牌 语法分析:In Ohio, our road sometimes moved right alongside the turnpike and we could see the地点状语主语谓语状语主语谓语 new cars. with their outlandish fins. passing us as regularly as cards being dealt off the top of an 宾语定语 伴随状语 endless deck.意群训练:In Ohio, our road sometimes moved right alongside the turnpike and we could see the new cars. with their outlandish fins,passing us as regularly as cards being dealt off the top of an endless deck. 参考译文:在俄亥俄州,我们有时候沿着收费公路右侧行驶,就能看到长着奇形怪状散 热片的汽车驶过,川流不息,就像一张张纸牌从盒上散落,无穷无尽。 2. “No, I wont ride with servicemen- ,”said my casually seditious father, as he slowed down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I. patriotically offended. watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit.难句类型:复杂修饰+修辞方法(明喻)+ 讽刺语气难词注解:seditious a.煽动性的 stunned a.震惊的 , 惊讶的 duffle bag帆布行李袋 Pontiac庞帝克,美国产轿车 fuming 冒 烟的 语法分析:“No, I wont ride with servicemen,” said my casually seditious father, as he slowed谓语主语 down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I. patriotically 状语 主语 offended. watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting 定语谓语宾语 伴随状语 smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit. 状语意群训练:“No,



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