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昆山飞力仓储服务公司的仓储管理研究 摘 要:作为第一家注册在昆山出口加工区的本土化物流企业,经过多年的摸索与发展,飞力仓储现已成为第一家在昆山出口加工区内成功推行VMI HUB(供应商管理库存)业务的第三方物流服务公司,致力于为两岸四地厂商提供物流、进出口通关及专业供应链配套服务,随着客户对物流要求的不断提高,飞力的仓储管理问题凸显出来,亟待解决。 本文对飞力仓储的空间布局、设施设备、仓储作业流程、仓库管理系统方面进行了概述,指出其仓储管理中主要存在布局不够合理,没有实现拍位最大化,人工效率有待提高,作业流程不够完整,以及仓库管理系统功能不能满足客户更高服务要求的问题。针对飞力仓储存在的问题,应用ABC分析法等基本理论,提出了改变仓储空间布局、改善设施设备配置、优化仓储作业流程、并开发仓库管理系统新功能的优化方案。实施优化方案后,布局变的更为合理,提高了仓储作业效率,降低了成本,不仅解决了飞力仓储的实际问题,而且使仓储管理水平迈上了更高的台阶。 关键词:仓储管理;配送中心;系统优化 Kunshan Flygt storage warehouse management services company Abstract:As the first registered in the Kunshan Export Processing Zone, the localization of logistics enterprises, after many years of exploration and development, warehousing Flygt has now become the first region in the Kunshan Export Processing successful implementation of VMI HUB (VMI) business of third party logistics services company, committed to cross-Strait Four firms in providing logistics, import and export customs clearance and supply chain professional support services, as customers of the logistics requirements of the continuous improvement of Flygt prominent storage management issues, must be resolved. In this paper, Flygt storage space layout, facilities and equipment, storage processes, warehouse management systems are summarized, that the existence of its main distribution warehouse management is not reasonable, do not take place to achieve maximum efficiency to be improved artificial, not processes complete, and the warehouse management system functions can not meet the demands of the customer better service. Power storage for fly problems, the application of basic ABC analysis theory, a change in the layout of storage space, improve facilities and equipment configuration, optimization storage processes, and the development of a new warehouse management system functions optimization. Implementation of the optimization scheme, the layout becomes more reasonable and improve the efficiency of warehouse operations, reduce costs, not only solve the


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