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摘 要 博客从2002年第一次被引入中国之后,以极快的速度得到了普及,成为继E-mail、BBS 、ICQ之后的第四种网络交流方式,但同时由于其自身发布的匿名性和传播的自由化以及博客的开放性、交互性、媒体性特征使它也存在侵犯博客著作权的可能性,由此引出了博客著作权侵权。博客著作权侵权现象频繁发生,博客著作权人的合法权益得不到有效保护。在这种背景下,本文对博客著作权的含义、博客著作权侵权行特点、构成要件、立法现状和不足进行论述,同时对加强博客著作权的保护提出一些建议和思考。全文分四个部分: 第一部分:主要阐述了博客著作权的含义、博客著作权的特征、博客著作权的基本要素。 第二部分:主要论述了博客著作权侵权行为的概念,进而论述博客著作权的构成要件,最后论述了博客侵权的特点。 第三部分:阐述了我国法律对博客著作权的保护现状,同时论述了法律保护的不足。 第四部分:此部分为加强博客著作权的建议和思考。依次论述了博客著作权的的立法保护、技术保护、博客著作权的集体管理制度、博客服务商开展自律性制度建设和博主应提高博客著作权自我保护意识。 关键词:博客 博客著作权 侵权 保护 ABSTRACT Since 2002,blog was first introduced to china.It spread out dramaticaly quickly,then it?has become the forth internet communicating tools after the E-mail,BBS and ICQC.However,since it published without name and send freely, what's more,the blog is pravite,open,interact and? intermedium,which make it possible to? interlope others'literary work right.That may produce a series of law questions.Interloping blogs'literary work rights happened fruquently,blogers leagel rights can't get valid protection. As for this background,this paper try to analyze the meaning of blog literary work rights, the action and characters of the blog?literary work rights incursion and the situaton and shortage of blog law.Then it will give some advice to protect blog's literaly work rights. The paper contains four parts. Part one mainly analyze the blog's literary work rights's defination,characteritic and components. Part two mainly talk about the concept of the blog?literary work rights incursion ,the components of the blog litrary work rights and then analyze the characters of the blog incursion. Part three explain the situation of the blog literary work rights prtection in China and it's??deficiency. Part four focus on the thinking and advice of the blog literary work rights.It analyze the blog literary work rights' legislative protection, technology protection, the collective management,blog servicers need to establish self-displine management and blogers should?improve their own?literar


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