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一种面向办公环境的云打印服务系统实例 A Cloud Printing System Instance for Office Environment* GE Yu-Ming1,2+, ZHU Yu-Qing1,2, LI Jun1, SUN Yi1, LIANG Qing3, WANG Wei3 1(Institute of Computing Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, China) 2(Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China) 3(Ricoh Software Research Center (Beijing) Co., Ltd., Beijing 100044, China) + Corresponding author: Phn: +86-10 E-mail: geyuming@ Abstract: Modern office environment exist the heterogeneity between printers and user terminals, as well as the traditional printing process requires user terminals to install the printer drivers. These situations limit users printing experience. In this paper, we propose a Cloud Printing system to satisfy users printing requirements. By connecting printers with the Cloud Printing system, without any reconfiguration, users will be able to print from any computer or smart phone, regardless of what you want, when you need or where you are. In addition, based on the TOPSIS multiple attributes decision making method, we introduce a printer automatic selection algorithm to the Cloud Printing system. This algorithm automatic selects a reasonable printer for users, according to their requirements and the working state of different printers. Finally, we set up the Cloud Printing system in our laboratory to verify its working performance. Key words: heterogeneous networks; cloud printing; multiple attributes decision making 摘 要: 针对现代办公环境打印设备和用户终端之间存在的异构性,以及传统打印方案需要用户安装打印驱动的不足,本文提出了一种面向办公环境的、支持异构网络接口互通的云打印服务系统.该系统支持打印设备和用户终端分别通过有线、无线和点对点蓝牙通信等方式与云打印服务进行连接,解决了异构网络接口之间的互通;此外,该云打印服务系统能够在不对用户终端作任何修改的情况下,满足用户随时随地的打印需求.本文还引入TOPSIS多属性决策方法,为云打印服务系统设计实现了一种打印设备自动选择算法.该算法能够根据用户设定的打印属性特征、打印设备工作情况和用户偏好等参数,自动为用户分配一台合理的打印设备,减轻用户自行选择打印设备的负担,也实现了打印设备和打印任务的统一调度和管理.本文最后通过对云打印服务系统的实际部署,验证了其打印执行、异构网络互通和打印设备选择等方面的工作有效性. 关键词: 异构网络;云打印服务;多属性决策 中图法分类号: TP393   文献标识码: A 随着网络技术和移动通信业务的迅猛发展,现代办公室环境中存在着不同种类、不同网络接口的打印设备和用户终端,异构性突显.这在一定程度上限制了用户的打印执行,也降低了打印设备


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