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题型 往年重点章节 ★Chapter 1 Patient-Physician Interaction ★Chapter 4 Palliative Care and Hospice of Dying Patients ★Chapter 5 Clinical Preventive Services Chapter 6 ▲Chapter 8 Why Geriatric Patients Are Different ▲Chapter 21 Occult and Obscure Gastrointestinal Bleeding ★Chapter 22 Shortness of Breath ★Chapter 23 Diabetic Nephropathy ★Chapter 25 Cancer of Unknown Primary Origin 题型 单词或词组英翻中 10% 10 1分/题 10 单词或词组中翻英 10% 10 1分/题 10 段落英翻中 80% 80 16分/题 共8段,任选5段,如多选,计前5段分 题型举例(附参考答案) 一、将下列单词或词组译成汉语:(每题1分,记10分) 1、hypoxia 缺氧 2、anuric renal failure 无尿性肾衰竭 3、advanced neoplastic disease 晚期肿瘤 4、muscle relaxant 肌松药物 5、side effect 副作用 6、rectal examination 直肠指检 7、proximal bowel obstruction 近端肠梗阻 8、abdominal tenderness 腹部压痛 9、fatal complication 致命性并发症 10、elective operation 择期手术   二、将下列单词或词组译成英语:(每题1分,记10分)1、症状和体征 symptoms and signs 2、阑尾切除术 appendectomy 3、腹水 ascites 4、大手术 major operation 5、中风 sroke 6、无病生存 disease free survival 7、肺水肿 pulmonary edema 8、脓肿 abscess 9、化疗 chemotherapy 10、营养不良 malnutrition 三、英译中(每题20分,计80分,任选4题,如多选,计前4题分) 1、The signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer may be only those of an enlarging tumor in the pelvis. Paker reported that 56 per cent of patients complained of pain and 46 per cent of abdominal swelling. He also reported that 31 per cent had experienced at least a 10-pound weight change, usually loss, and 22 per cent had either abnormal or postmenopausal bleeding. There may be ascites with unilateral or bilateral pleural effusion. Anemia is frequently seen in advanced disease. Pelvic examination may reveal firm, nodual implants of metastatic tumor in the cul-de-sac and pelvic viscera. As noted, often there are no early symptoms of ovarian cancer. Every woman should have an annual pelvic examination before age 40 years and more frequently thereafter. The diagnosis is made histopathologically, and the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant ovarian tumors cannot be made until operation. 卵巢癌的症状和体征可能只是增大的盆腔肿块。帕克尔报道:56%的病人主诉有疼痛,46%的病人有腹胀。他也报道:31%


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