虎x年说虎 Year of the Tiger said the tiger .doc

虎x年说虎 Year of the Tiger said the tiger .doc

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虎x年说虎 Year of the Tiger said the tiger .doc

虎年说虎 Year of the Tiger said the tiger ? --- 虎头金鱼浅谈 --- Tiger goldfish Discussion 今年是庚寅虎年,人们对于老虎的印象是,威风凛凛、勇猛健壮。 This year is the Year of the Tiger Gengyin, people the impression that the tiger is majestic, brave, robust. 俗语中虎头虎脑,多是夸 Saying in the Hutouhunao, mostly boast 赞长得壮健憨厚的孩童。 Zan grow stalwart simple and honest children. 以虎头为造型的虎头帽、虎头鞋、虎围嘴、虎面肚兜成为民间传统 With tiger-head for the shape of tiger hats, tiger shoes, tiger bib, tiger face stomachers a traditional folk 儿童服饰中重要的组成部分,寓意消灾避邪,具有鲜明的民族特色。 Children's clothing an important component of implication misfortunes evil, with distinctive ethnic characteristics. 以虎为名的观赏鱼,也 With Tiger in the name of the ornamental fish, but also 同为人们所喜爱。 Loved the same for people. 如热带鱼中的 虎皮鱼( Tiger Barb ) 、泰国虎 ( Siamese Tigerfish ) 、 虾虎鱼( goby ) 、 九纹虾虎( Ninebar prawn-goby ) 等。 Such as tropical fish, the tiger fish (Tiger Barb), Thailand's tiger (Siamese Tigerfish), tiger shrimp, fish (goby), nine grain tiger shrimp (Ninebar prawn-goby) and so on. 这些多是以黄底黑道的色彩,相近于老虎的颜色。 These multi-color is yellow at the end of gangsters, similar to the tiger color. 金鱼品种中则有一类,名为虎头,却是以其头部的形态颇似东北虎,由此得名。 Varieties of goldfish in there a class called tiger's head, but it is its shape resembling the head of the Siberian tiger, hence the name. 虎头金鱼,体短而肥,没有背鳍,被分类为蛋种 ( Egg Goldfish ) 。 Tiger-head goldfish, short, fat body, no dorsal fin, was classified as kinds of eggs (Egg Goldfish). 头部有着发达而又紧实的肉瘤,眼睛和嘴凹在肉瘤内。 The head has a well-developed but compaction of the sarcoma, eyes and mouth within a concave in the sarcoma. 在头顶部的肉瘤上,“ 王”字 形凹纹隐约可见,看起来十分威武。 In the first at the top of the sarcoma, the "King"-shaped dimples looming on the horizon, it seems very powerful. 虎头游动时从容安详,头又大,很像金鱼中年高望重、行动蹒跚的长者,因此又有人称它为寿星头。 Steller's swimming leisurely calm when the first big, much like the goldfish looking middle-aged high-weight, action tottering elderly, it is also head some people refer to long life. 江南的一些地区也将其称作狮子头(有别于 文种( Wen Goldfish) 的狮子头)。 Some areas south of its known


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