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Chapter 7 船舶设备系统 SHIPBOARD SYSTEMS 本章描述船舶在港期间用于货物操作和压载操作的主要系统设备。 7.1 固定惰气系统 Fixed Inert Gas Systems 本节描述了惰气系统(IGS)的操作程序。还包括操作使用期间,为避免伤害危险所采取的预防措施。操作、何进行设备维修保养期间,要参照阅读船舶操作手册、制造厂商提供的说明书和设备安装图纸,了解掌握具体系统的详细信息。应该参考IMO出版的‘Guidelines for Inert Gas Systems’。获取更多的有关设备的设计和操作的全面综合性说明。 7.1.1 General Hydrocarbon gas normally encountered in petroleum tankers cannot burn in an atmosphere containing less than approximately 11% oxygen by volume. Accordingly, one way to provide protection against fire or explosion in the vapour space of cargo tanks is to keep the oxygen level below that figure. This is usually achieved by using a fixed piping arrangement to blow inert gas into each cargo tank in order to reduce the air content, and hence the oxygen content, and render the tank atmosphere non-flammable. See Section 1.2.3 and Figure 1.1 for detailed information on the effect of inert gas on flammability. 7.1.1 概述 General 通常在氧气浓度小于11%V的状态下,烃气不能发生燃烧。因此,防止货舱内部空间发生燃烧或爆炸的手段之一,就是保持货舱内部空间的氧气含量低于该数值。达此目标的方法是通过固定安装的管系向货舱内输送惰气,降低空气所占的比例,因此也就是降低了氧气的浓度比例,使舱内环境气体处于不可燃的状态。 7.1.2 Sources of Inert Gas Possible sources of inert gas on tankers and combination carriers are: _ Uptake gas from the ship’s main and auxiliary boilers. _ An independent inert gas generator. _ A gas turbine plant when equipped with an afterburner. 7.1.2 惰气的来源 Sources of Inert Gas 在油船和油/矿两用船上惰气的主要来源包括: -主/辅锅炉排出的烟气。 -独立的惰气发生器。 -主机废气透平排出的烟气。 7.1.3 Composition and Quality of Inert Gas The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS 1974), as amended, requires that inert gas systems be capable of delivering inert gas with an oxygen content in the inert gas main of not more than 5% by volume at any required rate of flow; and of maintaining a positive pressure in the cargo tanks at all times with an atmosphere having an oxygen content of not more than 8% by volume except when it is necessary for the tank to be gas free. When using flue gas from a main or auxiliary boiler, an oxygen level of less than 5% can generally


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