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安徽建筑工业学院 继续教育学院学士学位论文 (简装稿) 论文名称: 投标报价策略与技巧的研究 学 号: 2010053005 姓 名: 喻飞 专业班级: 10级工程管理 指导老师: 张老师 摘 要 随着我国国民经济和社会发展的需要,工程建设规模也越来越大,对于施工企业的发展,既是机遇又是挑战。施工企业为了自身的生存和发展,只有通过招投标来获取工程项目。本文通过作者在施工企业实习期间的经历,结合编制标书及其投标报价过程中存在的问题,介绍了工程招投标的定义和基本特性、工程招投标的基本程序,以及工程招投标在我国经济建设中的作用和发展状况;说明工程招标标底的确定及评标方法分析以及工程投标中的决策;介绍了如何编制标书和投标报价,以及投标报价过程中应采取的策略和技巧;如何进行工程投标风险的识别和防范。在借鉴作者投标过程中的经验和教训,总结了施工企业在编制标书和投标报价以及投标报价的策略和技巧。如何选择投标对象、编制标书、回避风险、最大限度获取工程利润是每一个施工企业极为关注并重点研究的课题。本文从承包商的角度出发,认真分析投标全过程,为承包商选择投标对象、合理报价、回避合同风险、提高中标机率、最大程度获取利润提出一些切实可行的建议,力图对施工承包企业投标工作起到一定的现实指导意义。 关键词:投标;报价;技巧;风险策略 Bid price quotation strategy and skills Abstract Along with our country national economy with the demand that society development, Developments scale is more and more, Toward development of construction enterprise, Since it is an opportunity and it is challenge. Construction enterprise exists with develop for the sake of the oneself, Only passing to recruit to bid to obtain project. This text passes the problem that author exsits in business enterprise that start construction career filed worked period, Combination establishment mark book and its bid quote process, Introducing the engineering recruit the def function indevelopments with develop the condition; Explaining the engineering invites bids to mark the bottom to really settle and the bidding the method analyze sand the engineering bids inside of decision; Introduce how establishment mark book with bid to quote, and bid to quote the process the strategy that insides hould adopt w inition of the hurl tore cruit the basic procedure that bid with the basic characteristic, engineering, and the engineering recruit to bid at the our country economicith technique and how to proceed the engineering bid the risk identifies with against etc At draw lessons from the author bid experiencein the process with teach, tally up the construction business enterprise to mark the book wit


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