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2205双相不锈钢焊接接头裂纹失效机理分析 1 2 , ( 1. , 20 1507; 2. , 200237) : 根据金相分析和断口扫描电镜分析, 对 2205双相不锈钢焊接接头裂纹进行了分析结果显 示热 响区上裂纹为应力腐蚀开裂由于焊接的热作用导致焊缝热 响区沿铁素体晶界析出的二 次奥氏体和铁素体/奥氏体比例失调, 从而造成应力腐蚀开裂 : 双相不锈钢; 应力腐蚀; 二次奥氏体 : TG142. 71; TG 113. 26 : A : 100 1- 4837( 2007) 12- 0026- 03 FailureMechanism Analysison the Cracksof 2205 Duplex Stainless SteelW eld 1 2 YANG Ye- hui, GUAN ai- shu ( 1. Shanghai L ianheng Iso yanate Co. , Ltd. , Shanghai 201507, Ch ina; 2. The K ey Laboratory of Safety S ien e of Pressurized System, M in istry ofEdu ation, ECUST, Shanghai 200237, China) Abstract:Detailed analyses of them i rostru ture and fra tography of the ra ks in 2205 duplex steelw eld w ere performed by light opti alm i ros opy ( LOM ) and s anning ele tron m i ros opy ( SEM ) ombined w ith energy d ispersive spe trometry( EDS). Se ondary austenite ( 2) pre ipitates has been observed a long the ferrite boundaries. The intergranular mode of SCC w as thought to be related to the presen e of GBA. 2 pre ip itates and hloride aused the stress orrosion ra ks. ey words: dup lex steel; SCC; se ondary austen ite , 2205, 30 mm [ 1] , E2209( 1), X , , 2 kJ/mm /, 11 1 ( W t% ) C M n S i S P Cr N i M o N Cu , / 0. 020 0. 87 0. 38 0. 00 1 0. 021 22. 6 5. 94 3. 160. 16 , 0. 026 0. 70 0. 90 0. 02 0. 025 22. 2



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