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25 4 Vo.l 25 No. 4 2006 4 MECHAN ICAL SC IENCE AND TECHNOLOGY April 2006 : 1003- 72 ( 2006) 04-0410-05 尹旺中, 周来水, 神会存, 安鲁陵 ( CAD /CAM , 210016) : 提出了一种新的三角网格模型光顺方法首先, 模型中每 个三角片的每 个顶点, 分别求出其一邻域内所 有三角片与当前三角片法矢夹角的变化率然后, 根据这种变化率的不同, 相应采用拉普拉斯算子或Kuw ahara 滤 波算子 三角片法矢进行调整最后, 基于调整后的三角片法矢, 调整模型中各顶点位置, 实现三角网格模型的光 顺处理方法中的拉普拉斯算子, 适合于 模型中的非尖锐特征区域的光顺, 可以快速取得理想的整体光顺效果; 而 Kuwahara滤波算子则适合于 模型中的特征区域的法矢调整, 能够在去除噪声的同时保留原有特征另外, 本 文还提出了一种新的误差估计方法, 通过计算模型光顺前后的近似间隙体积, 可以得到较精确的模型光顺误差实 例表明, 与传统方法相比, 本文方法在获得理想光顺效果的同时, 能充分保留甚至调整加强模型原有特征且光顺前 后模型的变形很小 : 三角网格模型光顺; 特征保持; 法矢 Kuw ahara滤波; 法矢拉普拉斯算子; 误差估算 : O 1 : A TriangleMesh SmoothingBased on TriangleNormalVectorModification Y inW angzhong, Zhou Laishui, Shen Hu icun, An Lu ling ( Research Center of CAD /CAM Engineering, Nanjing U niversity of Aeronautics andA stronautics, Nanjing 210016) Abstract: The paper presents a new method form esh smooth ing. F irstly, it calculates the variance of an- gles bewt een the normal vector of a current triangle and its vertex-ring neighboring triangle for each trian- glecs vertex. Then, the normal vectors of triangles are mod ified by Lap lacian operator or Kuw ahara filter operator accord ing to the variances of their vertexes. F inally, the paper adjusts the positions of vertexes in the model on the basis of themod ified normal vectors of triangles. The Lap lacian operator is suitable for smoothing non-sharp feature areas, ach ieving qu ick and desirable smooth ing resu lts, wh ile the Kuw ahara filter operator is designed to amend the normal vectors of regionsw ith features


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