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~~ 氧化锆基固体电解质离子导电的基本原理 林振汉, 张玲秀 ( 海大学, 海 20007 2) 2 : 立方Z rO 具有高的离子传导性能, 近年来被广泛用作固体氧化物燃料电池的电解质固体中离子 电导率决定于载体浓度(密度) 和迁移率, 而固态离子的传导和扩散则决定于固体中的缺陷结构 Z rO2的传导性能与掺杂剂的组成晶体结构晶粒大小和温度有关文中着重论述了作为电解质的 2 - 2 稳定立方Z rO 中O 离子传导的作用原理和掺杂机制 : 电导率 缺陷 离子迁移率 固体电解质 立方Z rO2 : TQ 134. 1 TB383 : A : 100 8-1690( 2009) 05- 0006- 005 M echanism of Ionic Conduction of ZrO2 Base Solid E lectrolyte L I N Zhen-h an, ZHANG L in-x iu ( Sh angha i U n iversity, Shangh ai 20007 2) Abstract: Cubic Z rO2 prov ides an ex cellent ionic condu ction and is extensively u sed as e lectrolyte o f solid ox ide fue l cell ( SO FC ) in recent years. The ion electrical condu ct iv ity in so lid is dependent on bo th carrier concentration ( density ) and m ob ility, wh ile the conduct ion and diffu sion o f so lid state ion s are dependent on the structure of de- fects in solid. The condu ctibility of Z rO2 is re lated to the com position, crystal stru cture and gra in size of dopant as 2- w e ll as tem p erature. T he action principle of O ion condu ction in stab ilized cub ic Z rO2 and the dop ing m ech an ism w ere em ph atically dep icted. K ey words: electrical conduct iv ity defect ionic m ob ility solid electro lyte cube-Z rO2 [ 1, 2] [ 3] 1 ( ) : : ( 1), ( = q c ( 1) a livova lent) , i i i ZrO2, , ci ( carrier) M O M2O3, q


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