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解1 用电场能量公式: 在r处取半径为r, r+dr的球壳,在球壳内电场能量: 解2 导体球电容公式: 例 求半径为R,带电为+Q的导体球所具有的静电能. .B .A 问题 带电平行板电容器充满均匀介质,中间挖去一扁平的圆柱, A点和B点的D 和E谁大? 答案:EAEB DA=DB return §5 Application 例1 无限长均匀带电圆柱面内外的场强分布: ?0 ,R 面内 面外 方向垂直柱面向外 解:电荷分布具有柱对称性, 电场分布具有柱对称性; 利用高斯定理求场强分布, 选取柱形高斯面 r R 例2 无限长均匀带电圆柱体内外的场强分布: ?0 ,R 柱体内 柱体外 方向垂直圆柱体轴线向外 方向垂直圆柱体轴线向外 r R * * §1 Conductors in the Electrostatic Field §2 Dielectrics and Polarization in the Electric Field §3 Capacitance and Capacitor §4 The Energy of Electric field Chapter 6 Conductors and Dielectrics in the Electrostatic Field §5 Application 1 Electrostatic induction §1 Conductors in the Electrostatic Field + + + + + + + + + 感应电荷 + 2 Electrostatic Equilibrium In electrostatic equilibrium, all the free electron are at rest. 达到静电平衡时,所有自由电子都处于静止状态。 + + + + + + + + 3 Conditions of Electrostatic Equilibrium The electric field is zero inside a conductor 导体内部任何一点处 的电场强度为零 Corollary 1 The conducing surface is an equipotential surface, and all points in the interior are at the same potential as the surface, 导体表面是等势面,导体是等势体 Corollary 2 The field at the surface of the conductor (and just outside) is perpendicular to the surface Proving 1 No tangential component can exist。 导体表面附近电场强度垂直于等势面。 Proving 2 + + + + + + + + + + + + 3 Distribution of Charge a) All of the charges is on the surface of the conductor Prove: b) The electric field on the surface of a conductor s Note: The field at the surface of the conductor (and just outside) c) Distribution of Charge of Spherical Conductor Restricting factors: the electric field is zero inside a conductor. E=0 Conductor shell(腔) (1) No charge in a conductor shell a The electric field is zero inside inside conductor and shell 导体内、空腔内场强皆为零; b The conductor and shell are equipotential 导体、空腔为等势体; c The charge must lie on the surface 内表面处处没有电荷,电荷只分布在外表面. (2) A charge q in a conductor shell On the inner surface of the shell the charge is -


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