合同专业英语 .ppt

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合同专业英语 .ppt

Module Fifteen : Complaints, Claims and Adjustments Intensive Study ? Example showing Summary: Key words Expressions Homework Supplemented Materials Intensive Study Vocabulary & Notes Useful Sentences or expressions Notes Vocabulary ● in transit: 在运输途中 估计运输途中的货物本周六到达。 eg.The goods in transit are expected to arrive here this Saturday. ●“关于”一词在函信中使用得很频繁,一般用在句首。有如下相似词组:with respect to ; with regard to ; with reference to ; referring to ; concerning等。如: ▲ 关于重量损失,我们寄上检货员的报告,以此证明损失只能在转运过程中才会发生。 . Notes Vocabulary Lodge:语气比其他几个词要重一些。当向关系较好的客户提赔时,最好不要用lodge。 ▲Claim作为词当“要求”解时,不包含“要求赔偿”这意,因此用claim作动词来表达“赔偿”时,一定要与compensation搭配。如: We reserve the right to claim compensation from you for any damage. 我们保留向你们要求赔偿任何损失的权利。 Notes Vocabulary ● to accept (entertain) a claim: 接受索赔 我们遗憾地得知你方关于货物质量的意见,并准备接受索 赔要求。 We are sorry to learn of your complaints about the quality of the goods and are prepared to accept your claim. ● to repudiate one’s liability for sth: 拒绝对某事负责. 由于缺乏证据,我们据绝对方索赔负责。 We must repudiate our liability for the claim on account of lack of evidence. Notes Vocabulary to settle by arbitration 通过仲裁来解决 这是我们所能做到的最大让步。如你不同意接受我方建议,我们将通过仲裁来解决。 This is the maximum concession we can afford. Should you not agree to accept our proposal, we would like to settle by arbitration Notes Vocabulary ●settlement n. 解决;清偿 1) Our proposal of settlement is that we will immediately send to you replacements of which the quality is guaranteed. 我方建议的解决方式是,我方立即发运质量保证的替代品。 2) Enclosed is our check in final and complete settlement of this claim. 随附寄支票一纸,用以最终并全部了结此索赔案件。 Notes Vocabulary settle v. 解决;偿付 1)In order to settle the claim, we will immediately send a representative to investigate this matter. 为解决该项索赔,我方将立即派人对此事进行调查。 2)Should you not agree to accept our proposal, we would like to settle the dispute by arbitration. 假如你方不同意接受我方建议,我们愿意通过仲裁解决此争议 Notes Vocabulary ●further to 继…… Further to our telex of May 16, we have today sent you our


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