新世纪大学英语视听说教程第四册_答案 .doc

新世纪大学英语视听说教程第四册_答案 .doc

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新世纪大学英语视听说教程第四册_答案 .doc

1.摩天大楼tak:man,look at that!In new york there‘s always something being built 。And everything goes up so quickly ……you never know whats going to be around next week Rob:yeah ,but on the other hand ,sometimes i wonder about overcrowding .maybe they need to start building down more . Tak:building down ? Rob:yeah ,its when you build underground instead of above ground . Tak: nah ,thats too much like living in a cave .i love the skyscrapers ! They are the most incredible feats of engineering ! Rob:true .and some of the fast ones were built right here in new york city . Tak:thats right !you know,i wonder what new york looked like before all these buildings popped up . Tak:yeah ,ill bet itll be something fantastic ! Rob:maybe ……what do you think its going to look like ? Tak:i dont know ……but you know what ?im going to remember what it looked like . Rob:uh you are too much .hey ,lets ask this guy what you famous buildings going to be …… 2.两女孩在计算机前 Mrs:well ,i was pretty fast ,but i made some mistakes。Actually ,the typewriters werent that bad ,now,as for the first computer……oh my gosh ! Tar:what do you mean? Mrs:the first computers were so unreliable。They used to crash all the time ,and they were not as affordable or as fast as they are now 。 Tar:mines pretty fast ,but not as fast as some of the newer more expensive ones Mrs:i know !And nowadays ,almost everyone has a computer 。In those days ,nobody had their own computer。We used to use the ones at the university Tar:so?No big deal ……laptops have batteries …… Mrs:yes ,but remember ,in those days we didnt have laptops ,if your computer crashed ,you lost everything Tar:everything ? Mrs:everything。We used to lose information all the time ,but that time it was terrible ,everybody lost their papers that afternoon ……including me 3.两男孩在餐厅 Tak:so,what are today’s headlines? Mik:i dont know ,im reading the important stuff like my horoscope and the entertainment section hey !Look at this !James Hammond is playing at CBGB‘s tonight!


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