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幼儿园财务管理研究 中文摘要 随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立,企业经营机制的转换,幼儿园将从企业中分离出去,面向社会,独立办园,自负盈亏。21世纪以来,我国的幼儿教育发生了一系列的改革,并取得了迅速的发展,湖南大学幼儿园抓住发展机会,取得了前所未有的成绩。但是,湖大幼儿园在迅速发展的同时,在财务管理方面也存在着一定的问题,研究幼儿园的财务管理问题势在必行。 本文从上述背景出发,紧密结合湖南大学幼儿园教育发展的实际,采取理论与实践相结合的方法,重点采取了企业经营管理的PEST矩阵分析法和SWOT矩阵分析方法,分别从政治、经济、社会文化和技术方面对湖南大学幼儿园的外部环境进行了较为详细的分析研究,总结了幼儿园教育发展的优势和劣势以及在面临的机会和威胁。 通过本文的研究,一方面为湖南大学幼儿园发展实现财务管理作了理论的探讨,另一方面也希望藉此能为幼儿园的高层领导在制定未来发展的战略方针和具体方案时提供决定参与。 关键词:PEST矩阵;SWOT矩阵;财务管理;战略管理 ABSTRACT With the establishment of socialist market-oriented economy system and the transformation of enterprises mechanism, enterprise kindergartens are separated from enterprise to be independent economical entities that are responsible for their own profits and losses. The 21st century, our countrys early childhood education a series of reforms and has achieved rapid development, and Hunan University of kindergarten seize the opportunities for development and achieved unprecedented results. However, with the rapid development of kindergartens, the financial management problems also exist to study the financial management of the kindergarten is imperative. Above the background, in close connection with Hunan University, the actual development of kindergarten education, combining theoretical and a practical approach, focusing on business management has taken the PEST analysis and SWOT matrix analysis method, respectively, from the political, economic, social and cultural and technical aspects of the external environment for kindergarten, Hunan University, conducted a more detailed analysis of the study, summed up the development of kindergarten education in the face of the strengths and weaknesses, as well as opportunities and threats. Through the study of the paper, on the one hand for the realization of kindergarten, Hunan University, was the theory of financial management, on the other hand also want to be able to kindergarten senior leadership in the formulation of future development of strategic policy and specific programs to pr


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