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广东实现人才强省的对策研究 【摘要】当今世界,人才资源已成为最重要的战略资源,人才在综合国力竞争中越来越具有决定性意义。党中央、国务院根据国际国内形势的发展变化,站在推进改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的战略高度,明确提出了人才强国战略。广东要全面提升核心竞争力和综合实力,实现由经济大省向经济强省的转变,就必须大力实施人才强省战略,搞好人才资源的开发和利用,走人才强省之路。 本文从广东人才现状的研究出发,通过大量数据,分析广东人才发展中存在的突出问题,即:高层次、高技能人才不足;人才分布不够合理;人才结构性矛盾突出important strategic resources, and talent competition was more and more decisive in comprehensive national strength. CPC Central Committee and State Council developments and changes in international and domestic situations, stood in promoting reform and opening up the socialist modernization, put forward this strategy clearly. In order to fully enhance the core competitiveness and overall strength and achieve economic province by the province to change the economy, we must implement the strategy of human resources province vigorously, improve human resources development and utilization of human resources province of the way to go. Based on the study of talent actuality in Guangdong. With the help of a great deal of data, the paper analyzed the main problem in the process of Guangdong talent’s development, including shortage of high-level, highly skilled talent, Unreasonable talent distribution, talent structural contradiction, and big demand for talent gap, rapid demand. The paper also analyzed and summed up the main reason for the mentioned problem, considering the productive forces determines the relations of production. Finally, in the latter part of the paper that made corresponding suggestions for the strategy of developing Guangdong as a powerful talent province. Key words: talent structure personnel system powerful talent province 目录 广东实现人才强省的对策研究 1 【摘要】 1 【关键词】 1 一、绪论 3 二、广东目前的人才现状及存在问题 3 2.1广东人才发展现状 3 2.1.1人才总量增长较快,素质明显提高 3 2.1.2专业技术人才队伍建设成效显著 3 2.1.3引进的外国和港澳台人才队伍不断壮大 3 2.2广东人才发展现存问题 3 2.2.1高层次、高技能人才不足 4 2.2.2人才分布不够合理 4 2.2.3人才结构性矛盾突出,人才结构与产业结构、经济结构错位分布明显 4 2.2.4人才需求缺口大,供需矛盾日益突出 4 三、广东人才发展中存在的问题原因分析 4 3.1生产力型原因 5 3.1.1广东经济发展历史进程 5 3.1.2经济发展现状 5 3.1.3经济发展对人才发展的限制 5 3.2生产关系型原因 6 3.2.1人才政策不够健全 6 3.2


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