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网络环境下企业信息安全分析与对策 摘要:随着计算机技术与通信技术的飞速发展,信息已成为企业发展的关键,但是企业在享受着信息系统给公司带来巨大经济效益的同时,也面临着非常大的安全风险。因此,这就使得企业必须重新审视当前信息系统所面临的安全问题,并从中找到针对企业行之有效的安全防范技术。本文从物理安全,系统安全,应用管理安全,黑客攻击,病毒危害等方面对企业网络所面临的安全问题进行了分析与研究,并提出一系列解决的对策,包括:通过划分VLAN的方法,使用加密技术、身份认证技术来保证系统安全;依靠预防黑客攻击技术和网络防病毒技术解决与外部网络连接时产生的网络安全问题;通过建立安全管理体系来应对管理上的漏洞。文章最后用一实例来说明如何构建企业信息安全体系。 关键词:信息安全 管理体系 网络技术(关键词不能超过5个) The Enterprise Information Security Analysis and Countermeasures Under The Network Environment Abstract: Along with the Rapid development of computer technology and Communications technology, information has become the key to the enterprise development, but enterprise enjoys the information system bringing huge economic efficiency to the companies well as faces the very large security risk. Therefore, This makes the enterprise must re-examine the security problems of current information system faces. and find out effective safe guard technology for enterprise from it. The article has make the Analysis and Research of the Enterprise facing network security problems from the aspects of Physical security, system security, application security, management security, hacker attacks, virus damage and so on, And puts forward a series of countermeasures to solve, including. Through the method of dividing VLAN, use encryption technology、authentication technology to guarantee system security; rely on the preventing hacker attacks technology and the network anti-virus technology, solve the network security problem when connect the external network; Deals with the loopholes in management the establishment of a safety management system. At last, with an example to illustrate how to build enterprise information security system Keywords: Information security Management system Network technology 1.页眉:成都信息工程学院银杏酒店管理学院本科毕业论文,居中。 2.页脚:摘要及目录采用ⅠⅡⅢ,正文采用1、2、3、4……,居中。 目 录引言 1 1 信息安全的相关定义 1 1.1 信息安全 1 1.2 信息安全的基本属性 2 2 网络环境下企业信息安全分析 3 2.1 物理安全 3 2.2 系统安全 3 2.3 黑客攻击 4 2.4 网络病毒风险 4 2.5 应用管理安全 5 3 网络环境下企业信息安全对策 5 3.1 物理安全对策 5 3.1.1 机房环


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