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摘 要 当今社会进入了计算机时代,信息就是财富,科学技术成为第一生产力。在计算机技术的不断发展中,人们越来越认识到计算机在当今社会中的巨大作用。电子计算机在信息处理方面表现出来的巨大优势,使得计算机被应用到现代社会的方方面面,使得计算机成为现代社会不可缺少的一部分。也就是这个原因,为了对奇特的资产进行更加有效、方便的管理。 本系统力求概念清晰、通俗易懂、操作容易、功能强大、实用性强。使得本系统在对设备资产进行管理的过程中,尽可能的发挥它的作用。当然,为了在管理设备资产时,不使单位账目发生严重错误,本系统力求最好的稳定性,最强的安全性,尽可能少的程序Bug。本系统设计主要从设备信息输入与修改、设备信息查询、信息汇总与报表打印三大功能入手。设备信息输入与修改就是设备基本信息的导入与修改,添加设备相关信息至后台数据库,以及从后台数据库调用相关信息;信息查询是设备的各类查询以及设备基本参数及外形图展示,以及设备折旧,设备维修,设备删除等相关信息的查询;信息汇总与报表打印子系统,输出该管理系统中设备相关信息。系统主界面主要是采用delphi软件开发平台设计而成, 采用Access2000数据库平台,采用ADO数据库访问技术访问数据库,完成采用windos传统界面设计方式设计而成,最后介绍个人在设计过程的心得体会。 关键词:ERP 软件工程 Delphi 数据库 Based on Delphi environment under equipment ERP management system Abstract Now the society entered the Computer Age, the information is the wealth, the science and technology becomes the first productive forces. In in computer technology unceasing development, the people more and more realize to the computer in now societys huge function. The electronic accounting machine the huge superiority which displays in the information processing aspect, causes the computer to apply to the modern societys aspects, enables the computer to become a modern society essential part. Also is this reason, in order to effectively carries on, the convenient management to the unusual property.。 The concept of the system to clear and simple, easy to operate, powerful, practicality strong. Makes equipment for the system in the asset management process, as the play its role. Of course, in order to the management of equipment assets, the accounts do not make serious errors units, the best system to the stability of the strongest security, minimal procedures inside. Information systems design mainly from the importation of equipment and modifications, equipment information enquiries, information aggregation and print statements by the three major functions. Information is imported equipment and equipment modifications to the basic information and get modified to add background information related equipment database



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