1. forecast v.amp;n. 预报,预测课件.pptVIP

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11.With a better understanding of the human body, scientists and physicians will be able to cure more diseases. 随着对人体了解的深入,科学家和医生将能治愈更多的疾病。 With prep. at the same time or rate as sth else 随着 Good wine will improve with age. 佳酿越陈越醇。 With the approach of sunset, the shadows lengthened. 随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长。 13.certain/sure 14. in store必将发生,存储备用 1)we must____ ____ ____ _____ ____ for a big race. 我们必须储存力量准备长跑。 2)we have ______________________. 我们储存了大量食物过冬。 3)__________________________________ _______. 我希望你前途光明。 * * 1. forecast v.n. 预报,预测 forecast the weather The forecast for tonight is that it will rain. Did you listen to the weather _______ on TV. forecast Forecast的过去分词有两种:forecast或forecasted forecast与predict意思和用法类似 Para.1 2.major/main Major:指“较大的,较重要的”。它虽含有比较的意思,多用做定语。 Main指“主要的,最重要的”. 例:1,The car needs _______ repairs. 2,Our _______meal is in the evening. 3,Note down the _______ points of the speech. 4,There has been a _______ improvement in his work. major main main major 3. Catch a glimpse of = catch a brief sight of 很快地看一眼,匆匆的一瞥 I caught a glimpse of Mary at the station this morning . 我早上在车站看到玛丽了。 4.indicate vt. 表明,象征,预示 His letters indicate that he loves his son very much. They indicated that they were tired. 4.amaze/astonish/surprise 使…….吃惊 1)Sth. amaze /astonish /surprise Sb. The news astonished me. 2)用现在分词作定语,修饰物,表示“令人吃惊的” 例:The new plane goes at an amazing speed. (surprising/astonishing) Para.2 3)用过去分词作定语或表语,修饰人,表示“感到吃惊的”。 He was astonished at she news. 注意:此处不能用astonishing 4)astonish表示“大吃一惊,几乎无法使人相信”的意味。 例:He astonish us by announcing that was going to be married in a few days. 5. ensure vt. 确保,担保,保证 Please ensure that all lights are switched at night These pills should ensure you a good night’s sleep. 用法:ensure可接宾语或双宾语,也可接 动名词作宾语或宾语从句。 6. Consumer n. 消费者,用户,客户 consumer rights 消费者的权利 Vt. consume 用尽, 消耗,花费 This car consumes a lot of fuel.


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